A Sunday Afternoon

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[NOTE: This wasn't written to be a continuation of the previous oneshot, "Nightmares", but if you want, you can choose to see it that way.]

It was a warm, lazy Sunday afternoon, one of those rare days where no one had anything to do and everyone could just relax. And relax was what Ramsey did—that is, until he felt the couch cushions next to him shift and hands in his hair.

"Uh, Perce? W-Whatcha doin' back there?" Ramsey wasn't sure whether he wanted to lean into her touch or pull away from it.

"Braiding your hair," Percy answered simply, focused on her task. "I've heard that some people find it very soothing."

"Soothing?" He repeated. The blonde let out a small hum of confirmation. Ramsey blinked, trying to ignore the slowly but steadily growing fuzziness in his head. "I don't—Why would I need to be soothed?"

Percy's hands paused for a moment, and when they continued, her voice was much softer: "Ramsey, I know you haven't been sleeping well lately. I've heard you mumbling in your sleep." His face paled at those words. What had he said? How much did she know?

Sensing his discomfort, the cop decided to try something she hoped she wouldn't regret: she leaned in and gave the pink-haired man a small kiss on the cheek. "I believe I have developed feelings for you as well, Ramsey," she admitted, a faint pink blush dusting her cheeks as she quickly resumed her weaving.

Ramsey, on the other hand, was in shock. Did that really just happen? Was he dreaming again? It felt real, but he wasn't sure; they all felt so real, right up until he woke up. But he didn't remember falling asleep, or even going to bed for that matter...

Deciding he didn't care, Ramsey finally let himself go, figuring if this was a dream, he should enjoy it while it lasts. Percy smiled as she felt him slowly relax in her grasp, and the two spent a long time sitting there in comfortable silence.

It really was a perfect Sunday afternoon.

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