Thief king! Bakura

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No one takes you from Bakura, especially not the pharaoh
~request from tumblr~
Warnings: none, fluffy

•like any other story, canon whatever

•You and Bakura, soon to be 'Thief King Bakura' in the upcoming years- were 'childhood friends'

•Or whatever the term was called in scientific Egypt

•This might be unrealistic but let's go with the flow because I've gotta make this head canon some how-

•When y'all were about 8-9 ish

•Apparently Thief King Bakura is 27, and Atem is 18 big yolo-

•There was an order issued to bring forth some of the most Devine? Beautifulest? Children that they could find and bring them to the castle to prep them to be Atem's potential wife

•And Ofc you were chosen and you never got to see Bakura since that fateful day

•You're last memory of Bakura is him reaching out to you and shouting you a promise you'll never forget

•"I'll come for you Y/N! I'll find you and I'll steal you away from here! For ever! And we can live in a palace together okay! I promise"

•That memory will forever be engraved into your mind


•Okay so fast forward about 9-10-11 years? Atem's turning 18 which is the day for him to choose his wife that'll rule by his side till the day they die-

•Which also means that Bakura would be turning 23 today

•Yes I changed his age sue me-

•Okay so yada yada yada

•Orientation or whatever the coming of age ceremony is passed and now it's time to chose a wife

•So far Atem hasn't seen anyone worth while, too ghastly, too fake, too big, too bony, too greedy, too-

•Wait a minute


•Who is that?

•Yep, you guessed it

•It's you:)

•You're literally the meaning of true beauty and the definition of perfect in Atem's eyes

•As well as Bakura and me 🙈

•And you're not stuck up?


•so he decides that you're the perfect bride for him so you get taken to a separate room that has a balcony thingy that over looks the side of the garden

•And you can't help but reminisce all the memories spent with Bakura back from when you two were kids

•How you longed to see him

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