Modest! Managment

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"Boys, we are sorry but this is for the good of the band"

"You can't do this to them" Niall says

"Sorry but we can and we will. Its for the good of the band and the record sales. Now Zayn has left we have to"

"Haven't you put them through enough pain already? You did this before then with all the focus on Zayn and the rumours apparently forgotten, you realise it all went underground right? You became lax about your rules for them. But now your becoming strict again? All because some new fan fiction, Images and proof that you are forcing them to have beards?" Liam all but yells. Niall's comforting and familiar hand on his shoulder keeping him calm.

"Liam, if the fans were as hell bent to prove that you and Niall are dating we would be doing the same, but so far with all the focus either on Harry and Louis or Zayn they haven't noticed. But when they do we shall take action"

"This is bullshit!"Niall exclaims.

So far this meeting is not going as Modest! Planned. Niall was proving a force to be reckoned with, as was Liam while Harry and Louis just sat on the sofa cuddled up, ignoring the others for the most part.

That was until Harry spoke up.

"Niall, Liam, I know that you are trying to do this because you don't want us to have to hide but we are used to it. A time will come when they will be forcing you guys to hide and we will all be forced to hide the fact that we are all in love from the fans. No sneaky glances, Hands brushing, Holding hands in public, no dates. But if it means the band survives Louis and I are willing to 'take one for the team' as modest! say"

"But it's ridiculous Hazza." Niall defends burying his head in Liam's shoulder

"I know Nialler. But it's something we have had to live with and we will keep living with it until a time comes when we are allowed to be open" Harry says while Louis nods not trusting his voice.

"Now we have got that out of our way. Next Item of business. New album."

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