Modest! Reaction

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Louis, Harry and Sweetie floo back to the boys apartment with the promise to have her back before "Uncle sev has our heads on sticks and organs for ingredients"

Once they all fall out of the floo (Due to sweetie slipping out of Harry's grasp) to find Niall and Liam laughing at them, sweetie pulls out her phone.

"OK so the boys should have uploaded it by now cause we never edit our video's the fans like the banter. So lets check you tube"

"No First lets get you your meds. Kitchen, medical cupboard. Should be labelled S.A.S ADHD Med."

"Yeah, yeah. I know what my tablets look like Harry" She says walking into the kitchen. She comes back out a few minutes later with a glass of water, sipping the rest of it.

"Phone?" She asks Louis who just pulls a Chrome book from between the cushions. He loads it up and looks at the screen before laughing.

"The title is something to be desired"

"Oh god"

"Flake, I will shove that nail file so far up your anus..... They don't know about us cover with Larry Stylinson"

"Well that should be fun. " Sweetie says grabbing her phone off the table and logging into SASS_Official twitter. 

'Check out our new cover of They don't know about us with 1D's Harry and Louis. #LarryStylinson #1DSASSColab. ' She tweets and Instantly Louis re-tweets it from the 1D account.

Niall and Liam walk in from their room and sit on the sofa. Well Liam sits Niall sits on Liam. Niall throws a pack of exploding snap cards on the coffee table

"Who wants to play then?"


Exactly one hour and 6 rounds later shit hits the fan. Sweetie had left between the third and fourth round to keep her dad happy so it was only the four of them.

Some one was hammering on the door like mad. Niall got up to get it and in burst Modest!


"Because we are fed up of hiding"

"You are hiding to protect yourselves."

"Look Harry and I started dating in our fourth year. Ask anyone we went to school with. Hell Li and Niall can vouch for us. We haven't been apart since fourth year, except when we had the argument over why we never told each other that we were auditioning. But that's not the point. I fucking love harry and couldn't imagine my life with out him"

"Go. out. there. now. and. claim. that. it. was. fakes. "

"We can't we tweeted it from our account"

"You what?"

"How about you shut the hell up and get out of our apartment before i fucking hex your balls off" Liam said to the rep from modest, who they had gone to school with.


"You heard him. Give your boss the little message of YOUR FIRED" Niall said joining Liam, Harry and Louis with wands drawn stood in front of the rep.

"I would go if I was you Mr Chang. Five ex-slytherins and four Gryfindoors against a solitary ex hufflepuff? You have no chance" Severus Snape silky tones said menacingly. The rep ran out slamming the door.

"Thanks Uncle Sev" Harry said as Severus nodded and herded SASS back into the floo.

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