Chapter 5- Harry Cheated On Me... Why Am I Sick?

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A/N: Hey guys. I hope you liked the last chapter. Don't kill me for this one. Harry cheats on Aqua. Okay. So no hate. I mean you have to have something fighting in a story right.





*No Hate



2 weeks past. I heard laughing coming from Harry's room. Louis was outside. "Louis" I said. "I thought you were in there" Louis said. I shook my head. "May I got check?" I asked. Louis nodded as he knew what I meant.

I smiled and walked into his dorm. I turned the light on. Harry was having sex with a girl. "Aqua babe." "Save is Styles" I snapped. I looked at the chick. "And you dirty slut I hope I don't see you again" I snapped and walked out tears falling. Louis told Harry off. Louis walked off after me. 

"Aqua" Louis said. I kept running. Tears falling. "Auqa" Niall said. Niall hugged me. I cried in his chest. "Harry cheated on me" I cried. Was I not good enough? Was my sex bad? Why did Harry cheat? Doesn't he love me anymore? Niall rubbed my back. Liam looked pissed along with Zayn.

We followed them back to Harry's dorm. They bardged in. Zayn pushed Harry against the wall. "I hope you are happy. You broke Aqua's heart" Zayn snapped. "Zayn he isn't worth it. Okay let him go" I said. Zayn hissed and let Harry go. "You stay the hell away from Aqua she deserves better than you" Zayn snapped. 

The next 5 weeks were hard. I didn't speak or look at Harry. It hurt worse. Louis would always sit with me. Harry sat on his own. At lunch today. I couldn't help it. I broke down. The boys hugged me. Harry looked at me with pained eyes. "I can't" I said and walked off. Harry followed. I got close to my dorm. "Aqua wait" Harry said. I faced Harry. "Why did you do it? Wasn't I not good enough? Was my sex bad?" I asked Harry. "I am sorry alright I wasn't thinking" Harry said. I rolled my eyes. "That's the worst thing I have heard in my life" I yelled.

Harry looked down. "I think I was better of dead" I snapped. "Don't you dare say that" Harry snapped. I rolled my eyes and walked in my dorm. I slammed the door shut and cried. Slinding down the door. A knock came at the door. "Aqua let me in" Amanda said. I let Amanda in. Amanda hugged me. 

I cried my eyes out in her chest. "Shh" Amanda whispered rubbing my back. "Aqua if a boy cheats on a beautiful girl like you he isn't worth your tears" Amanda said. I smiled. We pulled away. I wiped my tears off. "Thank you" I said. "No problem" Amanda said.


A week past. I woke up feeling sick. I got to the bathroom in our dorm and through up. Amanda walked in. "Aqua are you alright?" Amanda asked. I nodded, "Sorry for waking you" I said throughing up again. "No problem sweetie" Amanda said. She walked off and laid back down. When I finished throwing up. I flushed the toilet. I brushed my tears.

I couldn't be pregnant. Could I? I looked in the cupboard. Pregnancy test. I shut the door and locked it. I used it. 3 minutes later it came up positive. I got scared. I put the test in my pocket. I got to Louis' dorm and knocked. Come on Louis. Harry answered. "I need to speak with Louis" I said. "LOUIS" Harry yelled.

"Coming" Louis said. He walked up. "Aqua what is it? Louis asked. "Can we talk in privet?" I asked. Louis nodded and walked out. Harry shut the door. "What?" Louis asked. I showed him. His eyes went big. "Harry's" Louis said. I nodded. "I don't know what to do should I tell Harry or what?" I asked. "Well I would tell him. It's up to you. I mean it's his child" Louis whispered. I sighed. 

We got back to his drom. I walked in. "Harry get up" Louis said chucking a pillow at him. He groaned and woke up. Louis turned the light on. "Come on Aqua" Louis said. He pulled me close to Harry. "Harry can we talk?" I asked. Harry nodded. Louis stepped outside. "What did you want to take about?" Harry asked. "First of all why did you cheat on me?" I asked.

Harry sighed, "I didn't mean to. The girl is a witch and I mean a witch. This time I am not lying. She did something and I thought she was you. Even Louis through she was you" He said. I nodded. I could tell he was telling the truth. "I believe you" I said. "I am really really really sorry babe please take me back" Harry said. I smiled, "I will if you promise to never ever cheat on me again" I said. Harry nodded. "I promise to never ever cheat on you again" Harry said.

I smiled. Harry went to go back to sleep. "Harry there is something else" I whispered. "What?" Harry asked. I showed him the test. He sat up and smiled. "I'm going to be a father" Harry whispered. I nodded. He hugged me. "I am not cheating no way am I missing out on this" Harry whispered. I giggled. Louis walked in. He shut the door. "See I told you she would forgive you if you told her the truth" Louis smiled.

"I'm going to be a father Lou" Harry whispered. Harry laid me on the bed. I smiled. "Yes I know you are going to be a father. I'm an uncle so are the boys. Amanda is an aunty" Louis said. Harry blew a raspberry on my stomach. I giggled. "Harry don't it tickles" I said. "Okay you two get to sleep. It's 6 in the morning" Louis said.

Harry and I were whispering. Harry pecked my lips. I smiled. "I missed you" I whispered. "Missed you too baby" Harry whispered. "Guys shut up and go to sleep or I will kick Aqua out" Louis said. I looked at Harry. Harry nodded. We walked out quitly. We got into my dorm. I put the test on the shelf upside down. Harry pulled me onto the bed softly. I smiled. I put the sheets over us. Harry put his arms around me.

Zayn's POV

I woke up the next room. Louis was against Aqua's door. Liam, Niall and I walked up. We saw Harry and Aqua sleeping together. "Aww they are back together" Liam whispered. Louis nodded. "She has to tell you guys something as well" Louis whispered. We nodded. Amanda woke up. She smiled as she saw Aqua and Harry sleeping together. "Amanda lets get breakfast we don't want to wake them up" I whipsered,

We got into the cafeteria and grabbed some breakfast. We sat at a table and started to eat.

Aqua's POV

Harry and I woke up. "Morning" Harry said in his morning voice. Man it was sexy. "Morning" I said. Harry kissed my neck. I sat up and streached. Harry put his arms around me. I smiled. I got dressed. Harry did in his room. I put the test in a book. I walked out and saw Harry waiting. He grabbed my hand. 

We walked in the cafeteria. We sat with our friends. "Look whos awake" Louis said. I poked my tounge out. "What did you want to tell us?" Zayn asked. "I'm pregnant" I whispered. They screamed. "Oh my god that's awesome" Liam said. Everyone hugged Harry and I. We laughed. They pulled back. 

"So is that why you were throughing up this morning?" Amanda said in my ear. I nodded. We got to class. When school finished. I was looking at a pregnancy book. "Ew" I said. "When we have our kid. I want a girl doctor" I said. Harry nodded. Harry kissed my cheek. "Ew" Harry and I said. I closed the book.

I couldn't look at it anymore. I stood up and walked over to the mini fridge. "Do you want some blood" I whispered. Harry nodded. I put some in a glass for Harry and handed it to him. I put some in a glass for myself. I put the bottle back. I drank the blood. Harry put the glass on the side and his arms around my waist. 

Amanda's friends bardged in. "What?" I asked. "Where is my iPod" Lisa asked. "I don't have it. How can I. I don't know where your dorm is" I said. "What about Harry" Lisa asked. "Sorry been here" Harry said. The girls and boy walked out. I shut the door. Harry pressed his lips onto mine. I smiled.

Harry placed his hand on my stomach. I could feel him smile. 


Harry was sleeping with me again. "Night beautiful" Harry said. I smiled, "Night handsome" I whispered. Harry chuckled and kissed my cheek. We fell asleep in his arms.

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