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Currently, you're sitting in the crows nest, staring out into the beautiful sea, until you hear your captain laughing along with Usopp and Chopper.

You couldn't help but stare at the adorable raven-haired boy. You watched as his eyes lit up at whatever Usopp was telling him, and how his smile shined so brightly when he was playing around with the two other boys.

I want to be able to make him smile like that, you thought. You didn't realize how long you had been staring, until a pair of hands grabbed onto the rim of the crows nest and flung themselves at you. In a split second, Luffy had landed on top of you, with both of you on the floor. "Oi, (Y/n), what are you doing up here? Come and hang out with us!" he said, still hovering over you.

Realizing the position you're in, you blushed, and said "I was just looking at the sea". While that wasn't a lie, it also wasn't the full truth since you were staring at him the whole time. "Really? I thought I saw you staring at me!" he said, tilting his head to the side. "Oh well," he continued, "Let's go (Y/n)!!". With that, he grabbed your waist and flung both of you back down to where Usopp and Chopper were.


The four of you played for a bit until it came to dinner time. While you all were eating, you were in deep thought thinking about how to make him smile, with the occasional yelling and laughter from the crew interrupting your thoughts. Luffy is very childish, maybe I can plan a big game with all the crew! Maybe like a field day!!You thought.

"(Y/n)-san, is something troubling you?" Brook asked. "Well, I was thinking of planning a huge game day with the whole crew!" You whisper to him, moving your hands in a rainbow motion when you said 'huge'. "Yohoho! (Y/n)-san, that sounds like fun! Do you want me to play some music for your game" he asked. "That would be great!!" You say, smiling widely.

"(Y/n), what's this about?" Robin asks, with a slight knowing smirk. "W-what do you mean?" you ask looking the other direction. "Well, why do you want to make this event?" she says, staring right at you. "Uhh" you start, as you fidget a bit due to her gaze, "I just think that we haven't had time to bond after everything that's happened!" Robin chuckles softly, stands up with a strawberry lemonade in her hand, and says "Fufufu, whatever you say (Y/n)-san. I'm rooting for you" as she leaves towards the girls room. You're left there blushing, admittedly embarrassed that nothing gets past Robin.


At this time, you made sure Luffy was sleeping. You were going to plan something so great that Luffy just had to smile!! With a determined stance, hands on your hips, you whisper out a small "Yosh!" excited about what you were going to plan. You went to go see Franky about your ideas and he was "SUPERRR" excited about it. You just knew Luffy was going to smile at this.

Unbeknownst to you, a certain straw hat boy was secretly listening to the plan, already excited for the next day's events.


"Hey everyone!!! I planned this 'SUPER' field day with Franky!! I hope you all enjoy" you say to the crew smiling. Chopper was so excited, you couldn't help but pinch his cheeks and call him cute, which was followed by his usual little dance. Everyone was going through the games you set up, especially tug of war. That one was probably the one that sparked the most energy out of the crew, and surprisingly a very competitive side of Zoro. "YOU'RE NOT GOING TO BEAT ME LOVE COOK" Zoro yelled from one side of the rope. "KEEP TELLING YOURSELF THAT MARIMO" Sanji responds from the other side. You were surprised that everyone was really enjoying what you planned for them.

As you sat on the beach chair watching the crew destress, you were trying to find Luffy, but he was no where to be seen. You keep trying to look for him until you felt a pair of rubbery arms pick you up. "Luffy!" You say, blushing, "what are you doing?!". "Shishishi, you need to join in on the fun too (Y/n)! It's not fun if you're not in it" he smiled. You couldn't help but be happy that he wanted you to be a part of it.


It was already night time, everyone was already sleeping and you were on the deck of the Sunny, laying on the grass and staring up at the stars, remembering today's events. You close your eyes for a bit, enjoying the fresh air, when you feel like something's above you.

You open your eyes and see none other than your captain staring back at you. "Luffy!" you blush, "w-what brings you here?". "I should say the same thing to you. Why are you out here and not sleeping?" he said, tilting his head. You smile and say, "I was just thinking about how much fun everyone was having today, I was glad I could put a smile on everyone's faces," you pause for a bit and continue softly, "especially yours." You see him smile, "you always make me smile (Y/n)!"

You were happy to hear him say that, but all of a sudden he lays down next to you and pulls you over, laying you on his chest. You open your eyes wide, as you feel his arms around your waist, his hands resting slightly above your hips. "I couldn't sleep, so I wanted to find you, shishishi" he chuckles softly. You look up at him as he does, blushing.

"Why did you want to find me?" you ask. "I always like being around you! I also wanted to thank you for today." He said, looking down at you. You were very aware of the position both you were in, his chest against yours, his thumbs gently rubbing circles on your hips. You couldn't help but blush at his slight touches. You gently caressed his face, softly rubbing a finger across his scar, with the other hand's fingers running a finger through his hair. You both looked at each other, enjoying each other's presence. "(Y/n), why did you plan that event today?" He asks. You took both of your thumbs on the corners of his lips and turned it upwards, "to see your smile." You realized what you said and blushed even more, slowly lowering your gaze. He puts a hand under your chin, lifting your gaze back at him. He asks, "why?".

You weren't sure what could make your childish captain understand your feelings, knowing that he might not necessarily think of these things, but because of how close the two of you were at this very moment, you did the only thing you knew could convey your feelings. You grabbed his cheeks softly and pulled him in for a kiss. At first he was a bit shocked, but then you felt him hug you tighter, as he deepened the kiss. You pulled him even more towards you by grabbing his head gently, making the kiss more passionate. Both of you pulled back for some air, looking at each other with red cheeks.

"I didn't know what words I could tell you to make you understand how I felt, but I thought that maybe I could kiss you instead so you could understand." you said softly. "You don't do this with anyone else right? Just with me?" Luffy asked. You gave him a small quick kiss, and then replied "no one else captain, no one else but you."

He smiled, "then I won't do this with anyone else either. When I'm with you, I get this feeling of wanting to make you happy too. I didn't really get it, because I want to make everyone happy, but Robin told me it's because I love you."

You blush, "I love you too Luffy."

And with that, you both fell asleep in each other's embrace, smiling widely at the feelings you both shared for each other.

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