Forever, Again

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"Let's be best friends!" Vincent said excitedly to Oona.

"Okay!" she sounded even more excited than he did, if it was possible, "I've never had a best friend before though... What do they do?"

"Me neither. I think they spend a lot of time together and stuff. At least that's what Gen and Noofu do, and they're best friends."

"Yeah, okay. How long do we do it for?"

"Let's do forever, just in case we don't find any other friends."

"Okay, forever. Promise?"


And that was how Oona and Vincent became best friends (forever). The two were practically inseparable. Klaanth hated it, but nobody really cared what she thought. Her hat was dumb anyways.

Forever was a long time, but neither of them minded. It was nice to have somebody to talk to. Sure, Vincent was kind of friends with Gen, and maybe Noofu too, but he liked Oona better anyways. She was nicer. He could tell her things and she wouldn't laugh. And she could tell him stuff too. Even if the other didn't really understand all the way, it was still nice to say it.

Like when Vincent was definitely sure she was a girl, and that she was Vea, Oona listened. And she kicked Klaanthe in the shin when she called Vea 'he' on purpose months after everybody knew. Then Plumb yelled at Klaanthe or something and she stopped, but Oona kicked her first.

Or when Oona was crying herself to sleep every night because Jessa left, Vea stayed up and talked to her, or just held her there and held her while she slept.

It wasn't the same problems by far, but the other was always there. Forever, they had promised.

It got harder when Vea saw Oona kind of differently, but not by much. It was a dumb crush, and it wouldn't last long. She told herself that for years. And honestly, she wouldn't give up forever on the whim that Oona liked her back.

So forever stayed forever, and Oona stayed oblivious. (Gen, however, did not. Blackmail is not a pretty thing.) Life went on as usual.


And after all that. After An Tzu, Jax, Vector, the beacons, Jessa, the mimic, everything, forever was kind of over. Oona had barely spoken a word to Vea since they practiced the Summoning dance the day before Beacon Day.

It wasn't the ideal time to mention anything personal really, especially a crush. But Vea needed to get it out, and as much as she didn't want to think about it, she might not see Oona again. And they might not be friends after all this anyways.

And then she left for Yatta so quickly Vea almost missed it. Especially with everyone being over the four moons about Jax Amboy. She barely say the ship take off.

Then off to Salassandra.

Then to Grimbo(e).

And so much happened there, and Vea barely knew any of it.

Just that Oona was a wanted criminal or something now. But then again, not anymore, none of those people had any power anymore.


And then Oona was finally there. And as mean as it was, it was a small victory for Vea that she ran right past Vector, almost tacking Vea in a hug.

"You did it," Vea breathed out, "You lit the beacons."

"Yeah," Oona sighed into Vea's shoulder, seeming exhausted, "I can barely believe it."

Oona looked a lot different now. Vea had barely seen her with the Toki skin before, so that still seemed new, plus she had cut her hair. It looked good short. Oona was hardly the klutzy Domoni sand dancer she left the planet as, but she was still Oona. Her Oona.

"Gods, I missed you," Vea sighed, willing the tears to stop pooling in her eyes, "We haven't talked since before Beacon Day," she forced out a laugh.

"Sorry- I mean, I meant to talk to you, but everything was going so fast, I thought I'd have a lot more time on Toki after I lit the beacons and all, but then Jax showed up, and we went to Yatta. And you know how Yatta went..."

"It's fine. It's more than fine. You lit the beacons, Oona! I told you that you shouldn't quit sand dancing."

"Yeah, yeah, get out the 'I told you so' fast," Vea snickered at that.

"What do you do now? I mean, a lot's changed. I assume there's something the prestigious Oona Lee, Lighter of Beacons has to do now?"

"I honestly couldn't care less. I just lit four beacons. They can go get me tomorrow."

Vea laughed again and looked down at Oona. Oona. So much was different now, and Vea wasn't really sure what had changed, but Oona was still Oona. And if they weren't really best friends anymore she had even less to lose, right? So, mustering all the courage she had ever gathered, that hadn't been used on coming out, Vea leaned forward and kissed Oona.

It was short, and for the eighth of a second it lasted Vea wasn't really sure if their lips even touched. Not like she would try again though.

"You can open your eyes, you know," Oona laughed, before kissing Vea, that time it lasted a full second.

She hadn't even noticed how she'd screwed her eyes shut until Oona had said something. She opened her eyes, and they both smiled like idiots, like they always seemed to forever ago.

"I... thought you liked Vector," Vea said after the small eternity of silence.

"Vector? No, not really. I... I'm not sure if I even like you- like like you- or whatever it's called. With anyone. I just- I like the idea, at least? If that's okay? If it's not we don't have to. I don't want to lead you on or something, I just..." she trailed off.

"No, that's okay! It's definitely okay. I'm okay with it as long as you are."

"Okay, good. Yeah."



And everythihng felt perfect again. Because this was even better than the first time. Because Vea felt safe. And Oona was okay. They were here.

"Best friends too?" Vea asked, smiling (somehow) even more than before."

"Forever," Oona nodded.


I'm really proud of this one. It's on the longer side for something I've written, and it's my first real time writing some sort of ship! I wrote this a few months ago, but I haven't posted any of my 5 Worlds stuff on Wattpad because nobody will find it, but eh, why not at this point.

☾✰ 𝕊𝕡𝕒𝕔𝕖 𝕊𝕒𝕟𝕕 - 𝟝 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕝𝕕𝕤 𝕆𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕤 ✰☽Where stories live. Discover now