Threatened By the Thought Of Death

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Heyya, i uploaded a poem and that didn't go too well so i decided to make a story!! i hope you like very much and if you do i will carry on! this is only chapter 1 though... so yeahh. And it is kinda short... so sorry, just wanted to test if yall liked it! :)) comment, vote, fan! xx



'Please!' I asked franticly, 'Please, just stop with this! Stop! I'm begging you, y-y-y- you well... w-w-who ever you are. I just want to live without...well without me looking over my shoulder to...' i was cut off by a mysterious laughter from the other end of the phone.

I pushed my back up against the wall and slid down it, hitting the floor with a loud thud. Only more fresh tears welled at my eyes and they gushed down again, giving away my fear to the other people on the other end of the phone. i watched through my blurred vision as tears trickled down my cheek, down my neck, to the neck line of my black and white polka dotted night suit top. i stopped and wiped my tears on it. Then i heard something i wish i hadn’t , ’listen girly’ said the voice, ‘i know who you are, and i know where you live....Jessica’ an instant shiver ran down my body as the male distorted voice on the other end mentioned my name with ease. As the shiver ran through me i pulled down my matching polka dotted night suit shorts, stretching them further down my legs as if to warm me up, but as i guessed before, it was no use. I still carried that word in my head replaying again and again... “...Jessica.”

Trying my hardest to muster up a firmer sounding voice i said, trying to sound smug, ‘Oh so you know do you... ‘i tried a fake laugh...and trust me it sounded VERY much too fake, ‘Well smart ass, tell me then, tell me where i live.’ I noticed that i actually didn’t at all sound firm and that my voice was actually shaken... but could you blame me? I then heard an eerie chuckle from the other end of the line ‘oh Jessica!’ it rambled, ‘Sweet naive Jessica, are you really trying to test me?’  Suddenly i was oozing fear again. Fear that he would tell me the place that i lived, fear that i was in danger, fear that i could be killed; i had a fear ...of facing death.

I banged my knees against my head, what was the point of asking? Why did i try to be smug? I was regretting every second of it. I looked up, my eyes looking straight at the mirror, where i saw myself. I looked awful, my night suit was clinging to me with sweat, my hair was knotted and placed randomly everywhere after i had sat there for the past half an hour pulling on my hair whenever i felt fear of the caller on the other end.. and that was A LOT! I looked at my swelled eyes and how they had gone from their normal hazel brown into i much darker shade. Then my nose, it too was puffy and red from all the sniffing whilst crying my eyes out, and my lips were all cut from where i had bitten into them. Look at me, look at what a simple number of stupid phone calls where doing to me, to my health, i could say that i was paranoid!

I noticed that the talking on the other end had stopped and i let out a sigh of relief as i thought that the prankster had finally decided to end the call, but as i was slowly pulling it away from my ear i heard a shallow whisper say, ‘You think this is a prank Jessica? You’re far from it darling, you wait!’ it chuckled, ‘you wait till i get ya...’ ......beeeeeep....the line was dead, and i could only wish too, that i was dead.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2011 ⏰

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