Chapter 3

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A strong wind blasted through the pass. Crimson Song hastened to return to her herd. She scanned the mountains around her. No other horses seemed to be lurking.

Crimson stood for a moment, giving her leg a bit of a rest. Her entire body was shaking, and the pain was nearly unbearable.

"Is everyone alright?" Nagissa shouted as she appeared behind them. Her chest heaved in and out.

Crimson lowered her head and let out a deep breath. The herd continued on ahead of them.

"I can't believe you're sill walking!" Lily exclaimed. She did a circle around Crimson Song. "I can tell that you've been in another fight!"

Crimson put her ears back until the golden tips were one with her mane. "I have some strange information for the both of you! We must keep our guard up against a blue roan stallion. He acted most suspiciously as I fought Tacoma."

Nagissa stretched her head out in surprise. "You battled Tacoma and still stand before us? Crim, that was reckless!"

Crimson Song studied the flea-bitten grey carefully. "I told you already that I was not going to abandon the mares!"

Nagissa lowered her head under her friend's threatening words. "Believe me, I am behind you. I merely wish you to find other ways to defeat our adversaries."

Night Lily slipped in between them. "Shouldn't we keep moving with the mares? This is the pass after all."

The other two nodded. Crimson blinked hard and willed the pain in her leg to dissipate. Its agony only increased as she took a step forward. Her head began to spin Nagissa was right. It was not worth injuring herself to keep everyone safe. She was no good to anyone if she could not fight. Having the ability to stand up for herself and others was a skill few mares possessed. Even as a foal, she trained hard with the others, but they were all colts. They tolerated her only so long until she was cast aside due to her gender.

She lowered her head and snorted loudly. Her first priority was to get the herd safely to the mountain. Until they reached the hills, none of them were safe. Only there would everyone be able to drop their guard and allow their bodies to rest under the soothing sunlight.

Nagissa and Night Lily took off down the path that the other horses had trod. They reached the mares in minutes and glanced behind them to ensure Crimson Song was following. The palomino pushed through her pain to take up the rear. She lifted her eyes to the mountains that flanked them. So far she could tell that no stallions were lying in wait, but the horses who roamed these parts were more than proficient in the art of stealth.

Crimson Song let herself relax. She was not the only one who could protect the herd. Nagissa had excellent skills in defence. Night Lily could spot danger from a mile away and block an attack before it even became dangerous. Yes, Crimson was grateful indeed to have such allies.

Another powerful breeze swiftly took the horses by surprise. It was coming from the south, the direction they were headed. Along it, Crimson Song detected the scent of horses and manure. Although her leg protested, she trotted from one side of the herd to the other. She lifted her eyes to the mountainsides that surrounded them. They were truly beautiful, but the potential for danger was continually present.

Crimson Song thought about her life as she trotted by herself. She had to do anything to keep her mind off of the pain, but she could not simply limp at the back. She would surely attract unwanted attention, and it would only endanger the rest of the herd, and so she let her mind wander. Choosing to give mares refuge from their abusive herds had never taken much thought, but Crimson wondered how she was getting by. There was never a moment of rest, and her eyes were always searching the horizon. Fights with stallions were brutal. This was not the first time she had been injured.

The herd began to pick up speed as the pass narrowed. On the other side, they would lay eyes on their destination. The mountain was sure to be beautiful this time of year. Crimson could already smell the running river water that leaked from one of three glaciers. The trees that soaked up the water were always lush and green.

Nagissa now took a turn to follow a deer trail up the mountain to keep an eye on the herds. Night Lily led from the front. There were a good thirty horses in front of Crimson. The three mares had plenty to do while in the pass, but once on the other side, they would have an easier time travelling. The mountain was home to herds during the summer, when the valleys were too flooded with water. The mountain was useful in the summer, where there were hidden caves for protection from the wind. The mineral pockets within were essential for survival.

Crimson Song's heart began to beat harder, although her brain had not yet discovered the reason for her reaction. She closed her eyes and opened her nostrils wide. They were almost through. How come they never got a break from the ruthless stallions?

Night Lily had already detected the danger from up front. She rocketed forward to meet the enemy. Nagissa flew down from her perch on the cliff and joined her black friend.

Crimson knew that her friends could handle whatever they faced, and so she took to the front of the herd, deciding to continue leading them through the pass.

"Stay together no matter what!" Crimson Song shouted behind her.

The other horses nodded with understanding and maintained their positions at her heels. They all pushed through with ears cupped forward.

Crimson Song could no longer hide the limp in her step. She ground her teeth together and tried to focus on the task at hand.

The other two mares were battling against a big bay stallion. Crimson Song led the herd around them as they entered into a large valley.

Folick Mountain was shining in the distance. It was covered in trees and streams. Early spring was not the best time to go, with the pockets of snow still present and irregular weather, but for a herd of exhausted mares, it would be perfect.

Crimson Song lowered her head to compensate for her lack of balance. She looked forward. Night Lily and Nagissa had almost driven the stallion away.

All of the mares behind her pressed closer. Crimson glanced back at them and offered a reassuring smile. She was going to keep them safe no matter what.

"Hold on, where did Jack go?" Crimson asked as she halted everyone.

The mares turned their heads and searched among the group. His mother began to snort hysterically. "Where is he? Where is my son? He was here only a minute ago!"

Crimson Song rolled her eyes. She knew that the newborn did not stand a chance on his own, but she was hardly surprised that he had wandered off. He was a reckless colt from the start.

"Don't worry, I'll find him. Stay calm, Sasha. Everyone stay together until Nagissa and Night Lily come back!"

Crimson Song headed off back into the trees alone and injured. She scanned the soft dirt floor and finally located the young colt's tracks. To her dismay, she detected a stallion nearby as well.

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