Chapter 1- Don't take it personal.....Just doing business

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His neck gave a loud crack and twisted in an awkward position. I pulled out my black Katana from the inner pocket of my boot and gave it a nice swing. I watched as his head rolled across his lawn and stopped at the beautiful white porcelain fountain. Poor guy. Never had a chance. His mistress ran towards the head screaming and crying like a mad woman. She dare not touch it but got close nonetheless.

" Oh God...." She fell to her knees and cried. I studied her. Blond hair, light green eyes, busty yet slim. Her white night gown flowed in the cool night breeze. She looked like your average Barbie Doll. Figures a guy like him would have a girl like that.

" God isn't here. Just me." I replied even though she didn't speak to me. They usually didn't notice me anyway, judgemental bitches. I pulled out a cigarette from my cleavage, nice place to put them, and lit it up. My eyes never leaving her.

" W-who are you? Why did you do this!" Her squeaky cute voice asked. Who are you? What have you done? He/She didn't deserve this, I swear the questions are always the same.

" The names Blaze." I took a drag and watched the smoke as it slowly left my mouth. The sun would be going up soon. She should be inside. It's not safe when the sun comes, especially not for a bimbo. Bad things come out in the day-time and not muggers or rapist but men that would snatch up a pretty little blond for dinner and not for play.

I had looked over to her when I noticed a small, barely perceptible movement of her leg that told me she was going to spring to her right. Before I could tell her it was a waste of time she moved with percision, her left hand raised. My body reacted without my direction, moving lividly to the oposite side.

The thing about me is that I'm quick and I don't like to be touched. Just before her open palm met my cheek I grabbed her wrist and gave it a little twist. She screamed and feel to the ground on her knees. To think I thought she would have just sucked it up and whimpered. Guess not.

"Do Not Touch." Still holding her wrist I used my other hand to tilt her face up so she could see I meant business. The cigarette long forgotten on the ground. Damn I was enjoying that ."Understood?"

" Who do you think you are! You can't do this! You killed my husband ANIMAL, then you have the nerve to scold me like a child! I will not stand for this! Let me go!" As she carried out her little speech her voice got louder and squeaker and more annoying.

" We've been through this. My name's Blaze. Yes, I killed your husband if you need more proof his body is about 10 feet away. I CAN do this because I already did. Now, if you value your life you'll get your whiny ass inside and stay there until sunset. I assume you know the drill." She nodded." Good. Now that we have everything settled you leave so I can clean up this mess." I let her wrist go and expected her to run towards the house but she didn't. Nope instead she clung to my leg like a 5 year old and cried.

" He's gone! I have no one, I'm alone. Please don't leave me!" She said in between sobs. I'm a merciless killer but I still had a heart. As much as I just contradicted myself, I do it's just small and beats once every hour. So I did the only thing a semi-nice person would do.

" I know someone who could get you some help. You'll have to come with me. You will keep your mouth shut and will not bother me whatsoever. Got it." She nodded vigorously. " Okay go get some things and I'll wait right here. Promise." I added the last part for her sake. She gave a weak smile and stood up quickly then disappeared into the giant house.

I looked over at the body of the douche-bag known as Christopher Tomas. I walked over and pulled out the BD (body dissolver) I made and poured a little on the body and then the head. The BD worked quickly dissolving his body and head into complete ash. It's a damn shame he was nice ,but I had to kill him. Blondie came out with a bag that held probably one dresser of her wardrobe.

" I'm ready." I didn't answer, just nodded to let her know I heard. I started walking towards the fountain.

" Where are you going shouldn't we be leaving? The sun is about to rise." Blondie said anxiously.

" What did I say? I said you will keep your mouth shut and not bother me. Otherwise I'm leaving your ass here. Now can it." I waded into the fountain and took out my small Bolo knife and sliced my palm. Blondie whimpered at the sight of blood but did nothing else.

I drew a small circle and a series of markings in the middle of the fountains surface. I said the chant and opened the small portal that lead back to my home. The portal shone with an intense purple light, home sweet home.

" Come." She stepped forward but hesitated. " We dont have much time left so if you'll hurry up.."

" How do I know your not tricking me?" She cut me off.

" Just go already or I'm leaving you here.... with them." That did the trick. Blondie stepped through the portal and I followed close behind. We landed in my foyer. I felt that sense of relief wash over me. I looked over to Blondie to see her down on the ground. I guess she's never traveled via portal. Well there's a first time for everything.

" Honey!!! I'M HOME!!" I yelled out with a goofy grin on my face.

" Jezibelle! Oh thank god! I thought you weren't going to make it before sunrise. I was so worried." If it wasn't for the fact that I was happy to be home I would've hounded him for calling me Jezibelle. My father ran towards me with sad eyes and a worried smile. He gave me a hug and refused to let go. Bless his heart, he is so clingy.

" Dad you need to let go. 1. we have company. 2. I can't breathe." He let go with a sorry and looked down towards Blondie with a gentle but reassuring smile. " Oh and Christopher Tomas is dead." I walked towards the kitchen to get my self some nasty synthetic apples. favorite.

" Dad, Blondie needs a place to stay." I walked back to where they were with three apples in hand. Blondie lay on the floor crumpled in defeat and crying like a baby.

My dad gave me a pointed look. 'Your heartless you know that Jezibelle?' My father told me through our link. ' What did I do?' He gave a pointed look at Blondie then looked at me again. 'OH! Christopher was her husband right I got ya. '

" Hey Blondie do you want an apple?" She stared at me and looked lost and broken. I gave the apples to my dad and told him to go get the Harbor house ready for later. He did as told. I walked to Blondie and hugged her hard. Loss is not an easy thing to deal with especially alone. She broke in my arms and I did my best to comfort her. This type of thing didn't happen often to me, but I knew the basics. I think.

" Why?" Her voice broke as she stared at me with sad eyes. I tried my best to sound sympathetic

" Because Christopher wasn't the type of person he played out to be. That man helped others only it wasn't the right kind. He was keeping people safe in his other harbor houses only they weren't safe. The houses were open and not charmed with safety wards ,he got paid to let the Garnax in to let them take innocent families to eat and enslave." I had to work hard to keep the anger out of my voice. The Garnax are beings that look human sound human do humanly things and are anything but human. They're evil. I remember when I was seven I met one. I didn't realize at the time but my mother did.

Something broke in the realms and something nasty slipped through the crack before it was closed. The woman looked harmless to me. I will never forget the lesson I learned that day. My mother was taken from me and so was my sister, my twin. I know she survived I can feel it, but I don't know where she is. My mother died protecting us. I guess I take after my mother. The Law Enforcer. The Bitch. The Savoir. The Protector.

I am the Assassins' Daughter.


Okay so I wasn't really liking the other story cuz i had no idea where I was going with it....I just kind of dreamed it and was like hey why not lets see where I can take this. Anyway I dreamed this one up to but like where this is going because I actually wrote everything out and planned what's going to happen........



thanks for reading

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