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That was the name everyone wanted to go by ever since I was little. But that was back when I thought that the world was actually sort of perfect and that there was really no other job that would suite someone with my background.

My parents weren't really heroes themselves, in the pure sense of the word, since all they did, was do what they could with the powers they were given. I say "given", but honestly, that's just how they were born. 

My dad was my hero, since he and I were basically the same. We both had a power that he called "Vampire bat", where you could basically do all a bat can. My dad was like a real life batman to me (and yes, I was a superhero fangirl at that time), but he used his eco-location to catch thugs, him being a policeman and all. I didn't quite understand that he wasn't branded a "hero", since catching bad guys was something both of them did without hesitation. 

Mom, however, was as slender and lanky as a snake, using her beauty as a charm and working as a model. Well, that was before she met dad and decided to sew her own clothes from the silk she could create. Her superpower was known as "Spider bite", though she hadn't ever used it after she became a successful business woman. And yes, most of the clothes I wore was made by her. 

So dad had the powers of a vampire bat, and mom had the powers of a wolf spider. Putting those two together, you'd most likely have gotten a ruthless killing machine that feeds on flesh, or worse: kills for the fun of it. But guess what they got stuck with? That's right. Me.

Kira Dokuchi. That was my full name, our last name having the sick combination of "doku" and "chi" meaning "toxic blood". My name, however, although seeming pretty harmless on the surface, could be translated to "killer" in English, which wasn't the best idea on my parent's behalf.

(A.N: MHA was originally made in Japan, which means that all characters there are, in fact, of Japanese origin and don't speak English. Personally I can't really speak any Japanese, hence why the story is in English, but I like to be culturally accurate when it comes to things like names and surnames.)

Not that my name really mattered all that much in school. I was sent to a bunch of different schools growing up, all thanks to my dad's work in the force, which meant that the little friends I had, never really stuck. I'd often find myself missing them, but I could never bring myself to stay in contact, since I didn't want to be a bother. 

When it finally came to my high school years, my dad put his foot down, telling his superiors that he didn't want to move anymore, and that he wanted to see his little kid growing up. I didn't understand it, but it felt nice knowing that we could stay on a place for more than a year this time around.

Not that our family didn't have any problems, but I took it that ALL families fought every so often. Ours mainly fought about how rogue my brother had gotten after graduation. Not that he was a bad guy or anything, but he did do a bunch of illegal stuff to get some attention from my parents. He had told me that they were so impressed and proud of me, the "successful" child, that they couldn't accept him for who or what he was. But I didn't see it that way.

From my perspective it looked like my parents wouldn't ever stop talking about Kaida. If Kaida trashed a parking lot or "hung with the wrong crowd", you could bet that would be the topic at that night's dinner. All I could do, was study and be as perfect as my parents wanted me to be, so that they wouldn't think badly of me. 

Of course, that feeling of acceptance and validation was probably just an adolescent thing, as all teenagers were expected to feel. Even though having super powers was the new norm in our society, we still hadn't evolved enough to bypass puberty all together, and THAT was the problem.

But "only the best" was all anyone ever expected of me, so of course when I had to choose high schools, Yueii stood out like a sore thumb. My parents wanted me to "put my good brain to use", since I obviously lacked any combat skills. I just didn't like the idea of getting hurt, since I bruised pretty easily, and the smell of blood... 

Well, let's just say it upsets me. 

So I got into the Department of General Education in Yueii, and ended up in class 1C. I barely made the cut at the entrance exam, because I was so overwhelmed, I just froze. If it weren't for the written test, I'd probably had to make do with another public school, but I really didn't worry too much. In fact, I was pretty surprised to know that I got into Yueii at all.

But that didn't matter. 

All that I had to do was stay below the radar while giving it my all so I could get into university. That was my goal. I just wanted to get school over and done with so I could be a successful adult. But that proved to be harder than I thought... 

Because what I hadn't bargained on... 

What I hadn't thought could be possible...

What I absolutely didn't want to consider...

... Was to be noticed.

(A.N: 943 words. Don't know why people do that, but just in case you wanted to know. 

Yes, I'm aware this chapter was a bit long, but so be it. 

The next chapter ought to be the actual beginning, giving a bit more detail as to "how it all happened", but please be patient...

Also, remember to wash your damn hands!

Hana out!!)

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