Part 2 (Alec) Hard dose of reality

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Life isn't perfect, I'd gotten used to that a long time ago. Another scream echoed around the tunnel. The drips of water from the roof of the tunnel dripped into the river at uneven intervals. I stared down into the water, the tunnel over it which I was stood under blocked out the reflection of the moon. Shadows flickering in the dim light. I was crouched on the concrete pavement beside the flowing water. Again a scream sounded.

"Keep that down, would you?" I yelled to the other side of the tunnel.

I heard a splash as the black river was disturbed; another body left to nature. I wondered almost excitedly if the body would float down to where I was, or if it was a bad egg and would sink. I never saw the corpse, "It'll take longer to find." I thought, getting up from my crouch and throwing the bone I was fiddling with into the river to join the unlucky soul in the murky depths.

"Let's go." I ordered sternly.

The others followed willingly, like dogs trailing after their master. Dashing quickly through the forest and out the other side we soon reached an abandoned warehouse; graffiti sprayed on the walls and grass had begun to spring through the stone floor.

"Alec, you've been out longer than usual." A deep inquisitive voice caught my attention.

I turned, a man dressed in dark blue slowly walked toward me, his hands behind his back. I rolled my eyes and continued my original course, but he stopped me by standing in front of me. I looked to the ceiling and breathed out sharply. The man reached my height, he was more muscular than you would think under the shirt and blazer he was wearing though it tended to give him an edge in a fight. His curly, ginger hair flickered a little by his face in the breeze.

"Look, Dame, can I call you dame?" I began.

He looked as if he were going to interrupt me, but I carried on.

"If you think we went out to feed, you've no need to worry we completely understand if we don't follow Drake's little rules, we'll get our heads chopped of or something." I explained, pushing past him.

I heard Dameon huff and leave, I smirked knowing I had wearied his patience. I chucked myself onto a slightly damaged sofa; settling into it and closing my eyes, it had been a long night. Something awoke me suddenly, I thought I had only just dropped off. A rouge had walked in, someone was already on it so I closed my eyes again when a loud bang caught my attention and I finally got up. Examining the area, I saw someone had just been thrown into the wall and hard; a dent had formed where they had crashed into the material, now there was growls of discomfort as four more of them walked in, threatening postures about them. Many of the inhabitants of the warehouse crouched ready to spring. I held back a little, not wanting my presence to erupt a fight, though I hadn't had a proper rowel in so long, we didn't know how many more there were. I think that's why most of my clan held their attack.

Finally, one of the rouges sprung, breaking the tension, I could tell they were a group of outcasts just by looking at them, but the one that came in first appeared to be the leader. The fight had now inevitably begun. Once the leader was distracted, I fixed my eyes on him and ran, I was there in the blink of an eye; I had already planned my next move. I tackled him to the ground, enclosing my hand around his neck, he swung his fist at me but I had been expecting that and rolled, tossing him into the wall. He collided with it and fell to the ground. Charging at him again, I gave him no time to recover. I picked up a nearby wooden table by the legs and smashed it over his head. He must've been knocked out by now, still I held one of the legs firmly, the end that used to attach to the table was now broken and was sharp from the force of the impact. I lifted it high and plunged the wood into my opponents back, I felt it impale the body below as a metallic liquid oozed out of him. He was dead.

Kneeling down, I took the weapon out of him and through it into the fight, it seized. Everyone knew that someone had been killed, that was after all what the wood was a symbol for. Heads whipped around to where I was standing and the rouges saw there leader dead, fear engulfed there faces as they looked at me and they were gone. My clan was ready to chase, but I halted them.

"Let them go, they'll kill each other anyway without a leader." I said, walking back to the sofa I had planned to sleep on.

(Sorry this is really short but I want to change perspectives each chapter)

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