Introduction and Rules!

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1. Feel free to ask any quistion or dare! I just don't do nasty stuff... But I will do ship dares.

2. Dont get mad if your dare isnt done right away! I have a personal life to!! Don't dare twice Wait until your dare is completed before doing another dare or question!!

3. Updates might be a little slow depending on the week.. Because of school, track, and cheer.

4. Feel free to ask to be in the dare, or your charcter! But it will only be for one dare!!

5.  Dont get mad about my shipping choices! I chkose Foxica rather than Fangle so dont tell me how much you want them to gwt together! I understand how you want a character and your OC thats okay! But it cant br usedforcanon shipping!!

6. Tera is not my direct OC refrence was used to make her. But she will be included in the gang

7. I do not expect any OC'S in the story to stay, but your OC (s)  or you can be in it for a dare.

~ Skittles is out bye meh lovelies

Bonnie: So thats another sercuirity guard down..

Chica: they really need to hire new ones!

Freddy: all the sercuity guards are lame..

Foxy: me miss Mike! He was a fun lad

Chica: he stole meh pizza D:

Tera: And i never met him

Foxy: I feel sorry for ya lassie

Toy Bonnie: Mike visits us from time to time, im sure you will meet hime :3

Bonnie: *finds camerea* look what i found!

Chica: cool a camerea! Know what we should do with it?

Bonnie: film you shoving pizza down your throat like an idiot? Oh wait, thats you every time!

Chica: Is not!  And anyways no...

Freddy: flim me pushing Bonnie of an air plane?

Chica: ha, ha but no.. We should do like video dares orsomething! We should let are fans give us dares or questikns then film is answering them

Tera: erm... I guess we could...

Chica: Good because we are!

Freddy: you can't make desions for us

Chica: *screeches* don't defy me!!!

(( sorry sucky first chapter! But there are no dares yet..! ))

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