The Sacred Bull's Fury

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From the High Priest's box, Rowena stared in horror. Falco would not be able to avoid the sacred bull forever, he needed help. To the astonishment of Leo, Pardus and Acinonyx, she proceeded to remove the Hyperionite clothes that he had been given until she was only wearing her breastband and perizoma.

"What is she doing?" asked Leo, looking to Taurus with an expression most perplexed.

Watching as Rowena jumped into the arena, Taurus answered: "Bull-dancing... This should be entertaining as long as Falco still dies."

Landing upon the ground of the arena, Rowena removed her left shoe and hurled it at the mad brute, hitting it square in the right eye. Turning to face this new individual, the bull found Rowena's right shoe hitting him square in the face.

"Rowena, what are you doing?" Falco inquired his voice filled with worry.

Rowena did not answer her husband. She merely stared the bovine in the eye and waited for the inevitable charge. Without hesitation, the animal rushed upon the intruder. Avoiding the awful horns, Rowena jumped upon the back of the bovine and maintained her balance, defying balance as the enraged beast struggled to get her off.

Falco could do naught but stare. He had no training in bull-dancing, what was he to do? Just stand there and watch helplessly while everyone else held their breath? Alas, it was all he could do. If he were to interfere, Rowena could be killed.

Eventually tiring, the bull fell to his knees with Rowena still upon his back. The sacred bull's fury was exhausted.

From the spectators came a thunderous applause. Never before had the people of Hyperion seen such a thing and never would they have dreamed such a thing possible. Alas, not everyone was impressed. From the High Priest's box did Taurus tighten his grip upon his axe while Leo and Acinonyx both grumbled and Eithne haughtily turned her gaze from the arena.

"You know for a descendant of immigrants..." uttered Sarpedon. "She bull-dances as well as your sister, Taurus."

Stepping down from the beast's back, Rowena walked over to Falco and embraced him. "Are you alright, Falco?" she asked.

"Still a bit nervous after seeing that, Rowena." Falco answered, giving his wife a kiss on the cheek. "But thank you."

Smiling, Rowena looked up to the High Priest's box. She could only wonder what would happen next, as could Falco.

Sighing, Leo removed his crown and looked at the High Priest of the Earth Bull. "Well, Taurus... Shall we give it another shot tomorrow?"

Grumbling under his breath, Taurus took a moment to regain his composure before answering: "Yes... And make sure Rowena is not here tomorrow!" That would make sure things would be different. No wife with any sort of dancing training to help meant no hope for the Last Divine Deucalion of Aether.

Alas, Acinonyx was less than happy with this change of plan. Snatching the Crown of Hyperion from his father's lap, he snarled: "This will not be waiting until tomorrow! Falco will die today!" Hurling the crown at the sacred bull, the Crown Prince of Hyperion watched as the brute's rage returned.

Rising to his feet, the sacred bull charged at the nearby couple. Feeling Falco push her out of the way, Rowena stared in horror as the bull was soon upon her the man she loved. When all was over, Falco's crushed form lay upon the floor of the arena and the bull returned to laying upon the ground at a close distance.

Running over to her beloved's side, Rowena cradled Falco in her arms. His breathing was weak and his eyes were barely open, but thankfully, miraculously he was alive, albeit marked by the bull. Where there was life there was hope.

"F-Falco?" Rowena asked, tears in her eyes, tears of joy to see that he still lived. "H-How are you feeling?"

"Feeling grateful he was focused on my chest only, Rowena." Returned Falco weakly, giving his love a smile before closing his eyes.

Giving a small laugh, Rowena gently stroked her husband's curly red hair and looked at the mark the bull had left upon his countenance: a scar running across his right eye and cheekbone. It was lucky that the horn did not impale Falco or damage his green eye.

Hearing footsteps behind them, Rowena looked up to see Leo and Taurus followed by Pardus, Acinonyx, Minos, Sarpedon and Tilla close behind. As the Hyperionite King shook the dust from his crown, The High Priest of the Earth Bull paused and asked: "Does he breathe?" His mask impaired his vision to an extent, causing everything to look small and far away, though clearer, thus it logical that he could not tell if Falco breathed. That only caused Rowena to wonder why did he not remove it? Was he truly that hideous?

"Barely it seems." Answered Leo, now placing his crown upon his cranium.

With no hesitation, Taurus uttered: "Hurl him into the sea then!"

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