The whole book in one page because im lazy! <3

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Chapter One

 I slowly opened my eyes and I immediately noticed a burning headache. I felt something drip on my face, 'well you are in a cave that might have something to do with it genius'. I wiped the water off my face but, 'oh my gods'. I slowly came to realize this is blood. I slowly looked up except now there was nothing there. I knew I was going to regret this but my eyelids were drooping and I fell back into a slumber. "Get up!" a voice said but I didn't bother looking up. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my back and I realized he kicked me. "What do you want?" I said slowly not recognizing my voice, or his for that matter. I turned slowly and looked at my captor, he was shirtless and was wearing beige cargo shorts and I already knew I was in the water realm because I didn't feel welcome here and I am in a cave. This was Poseidon, I was in his realm and he kidnapped me. "I want you to get up dumb girl," Poseidon said. Woah rude, so I said "Wow I knew Poseidon 'god of the sea' was rude but I must say I'm hurt" I put my hand to my heart and pouted. Then I was laughing, and I stood up. "Shut up!" he yelled and then slapped me. Wow, what a pig. I stopped laughing and dusted myself off and looked at him and said "I'm sorry." 'I wasn't but I didn't really feel like getting hit or slapped again'. He then handed me food "Gross what is this you expect me to eat whatever this is?" pointing to the fo- well whatever it was. "Yes, and I also expect you to be dressed when I get back." He said. "Forgive me but I'm pretty sure you have to have clothes for that." "Someone will bring you clothes later." sure, I was almost positive that the food has some type of sleeping draught in it so I dumped it outside the cave. I walked back into the cave "oh my gods!" "Yes thank you!"

 Chapter Two 

 If I can walk out of the cave then I should be able to find another place to stay or hide, but this is his realm and he could change it anytime he wants. Okay okay, no big deal I need a weapon, and strength, if I'm going to be fighting a god, meaning I'll, have to eat whatever that stuff he gave me was. Someone brought me clothes and I took them and put them on it was black leggings and a green sweater, okay not the best but it's okay. I needed a weapon so I decided to make one, after many frustrating attempts at making something to slow Poseidon down I failed and was hot I decided to go swimming in the small tide pool. I stripped to my undergarment and got in and then I felt something so I went down to see what it was, OH MY GODS! It was a dagger! I got out got dressed and then looked down and then said aloud "Crap, I need shoes." "And why would you need shoes?" Poseidon said causing me to jump. "Because my feet get cold in this dreadful cave." I lied He seemed to believe it and snapped his fingers and there was a pair of black sneakers. I thanked him and he told me to change he would be back in a moment.

 Chapter Three 

 I picked up a dagger I found at the bottom of the tide pool hid it and waited for him. Sure enough, he was back five minutes later. I walked to him slow and then I struck I sliced through his skin letting the blood drip three times and called my mother, "Demeter! Mom! Mother! Please!" Poseidon slapped me and it knocked me to the ground and then the earth started to shake the wind was blowing hard I stood up to see my mother as beautiful and strong as before. I ran to her but Poseidon stopped me and held the dagger to my neck, I was so close no, please! I was trying not to breathe too hard but then he started to draw the dagger closer to my throat and I felt a sharp sting and then I felt blood trickle down. My mother sent vines to wrap his arms and legs, allowing me to be free. I hugged her and she did the same, "I missed you my flower." she said. "I missed you too mom." The world looked swirly "I feel faint." And everything went black.

 Chapter Four

I was laying on something soft it was nice, I slowly opened my eyes prepared to see that cave again, but this time I looked around and I was in my childhood room and my best friend was asleep on my yellow daisy futon, I jumped on her and hugged her and she screamed at first but I got a hug back in the end. This is my best friend from birth Lisha Makris we go to New Athens college and she is my polar opposite sister. "WHAT'S WRONG!" My mother comes into the room screaming me and Lisha we were laughing. "Not funny I thought someone was dead." Which only made us laugh more, "okay." more laughter "okay we are sorry." "You should be, you should also be resting."

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