Let You Down

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Summary : You never meant to let her down.

Words : 3838

Warning : um.. sad


Out of all Eternals, you were the outcast. Not in the aspect of being an outsider, no, amongst the others, you were the most different. They valued you a lot as a family, in fact, they admired you. Always bold and poised in the battles you fought, never batting an eye even when the worst of injuries were sustained.

Once, in the 700s, you've got a deviant's horn lodged into your stomach. You were literally bleeding out, your face so pale and limbs shaking. But they all saw the way you walked to Ajak, whose eyes widened at the amount of blood on the ground trailing after you. You had the audacity to grin sheepishly, balling your fists up and gritting your teeth as she pulled out the horn and started healing your wound.

Ajak was the first person they've seen you being close to. No one ever questioned it, since she was the leader of the group, and undoubtedly the appointed mother of the little found family they had.

From then on, you would confide in her if you ever had trouble, though you still filtered things out for the best of it. Ajak knows, she understood you more than anyone else, and never did she push your secrets out of you.

For all the things you loved about Ajak, one thing you despised was her preference on Ikaris. You knew she cared for each one of the eternals equally, and you felt selfish for hating the fact that she'd choose the man over the rest. Over you.

Throughout the decades, you kept your distance from everyone, for you knew none of it would end well. Getting close meaning attachments, and what happens when you have to part ways?

Everyone thinks you were strong, physically and mentally. You've never complained or reacted the way others would at having discovered pain, joy, heartbreak, everything a human could've endured, they did. Their long life made then so human, and you envy it. You would fight the deviants to protect humans, but whilst others had to hold themselves back from helping them without the ever present monsters in their wake.. you stood back.

You don't interact with humans. You think they're extraordinary, but also very, very greedy. It's hard to distinguish whether they deserved to be helped, is all. But amidst it all, some that made it out alive and still had the will to help others, you think there was no greater strength than what those humans possessed.

Thena was the second person you found solace in. She was like you, in a sense. Fierce in battles, never fails to amaze the others. There was a significant difference, though. Unlike you, she was open to the world. She expressed her anger, pain, frustration, everything that you couldn't even imagine yourself doing. She was golden in your eyes, like the moon, shining the brightest over the stars, making them seem bland compared to her. Meanwhile, you were nothing but a dark, endless void, like the night sky. And maybe, that was why she was what you needed, something to chase away the shadows, scaring off the lurking monsters within it.

Something more than friendship bloomed like a flower between the two. It seemed like she was the only one able to melt down your stone cold heart. You were, what humans call, in love. You have no idea what that meant, nor if it was what you were feeling. Something in your heart would clench when Thena denied their assumptions, feeling yourself a fool. Does being in love hurt?

You attempted the same thing you did with Ajak, the thing you were best at. Pull away, avoiding her like a plague. The thing is, she didn't allow it. If catching you was the last thing Thena was to accomplish, then so be it. Falling was never your intention. You have a purpose, and that is to destroy the deviants. Then why was this.. love destroying you from inside out?

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