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Hello you, who makes me smile
I'm glad that you're here
You're existence makes my life worthwhile
To me you're very dear

You cheer me up whenever i'm down
You're always there for me
When i'm in need , then you're in town
Your kindness sets me free

We don't always agree on things
Sometimes we even on fight
Anytime can i return under your wings
We set things right

Time will fly and you might to
To where is still not clear
But when you leave i'll let you know
My heart will keep you near
True friends are hard to find,
but there you are,
You came into my life.
You came to me in a perfect time.
I'm so happy  you're a friend of mine.

We've been together for so long,
in a fantastic place where we belong.
We shared the mysteries of our life.
Laughter and tears are seen in our eyes.

You're with me and I'm with you.
You comfort me and i love you.
A part of me becomes part of you.
True friendship I've found in you.

Now it's time to say goodbye
tears of sadness keep falling in my eyes.
So please don't cry, my darling friend,
'Cause our friendship will never end.

Yes, it's true, we'll be apart,
'Cause I'm here and you there.
With you, my friend, I want to tell,
whatever happens, we'll be friends forever!

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Dec 18, 2021 ⏰

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