Chapter 9: School

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Bella's P.O.V

It has been two weeks since the game of truth or dare. Edward and I have been better than ever. I don't think a person can love another as much as I love Edward. I have school in the morning and the rest of the 'teenagers' are going with mevto Forks High. I hope that nothing bad happens


"Bella?" A velvety voice asked. "Bella, love its time to get up for school." He told me. "No go away." I mumbled. He chuckled. Then he kissed all over my face. My temple, my forehead, my cheeks, the finally my lips. "Okay, okay I'm up you jerk." I said. He laughed.

All of the sudden an evil pixie stormed into my room. "Bella! We have to get you dressed!" Alice squeeled jumping up and down. "Ugh Ally! You know I hate Barbie Bella!" I whined.

"Suck it up lady and put these on." She handed me a pair of black skinny jeans and a royal blue shirt with ruffles. To top it all off a pair of black sparkly flats. She combed my hair and let my natural curls fall lose. Then much to my dismay, lip gloss and mascara.

When she was finally done, Carlisle wanted to talk to us in the dinning room. We have all our family meetings at our dinning room table. I went and sat on Edward's lap. "You look beautiful." He whispered. "Um...thanks?" He chuckled and kissed my cheek. I blushed. "Okay. Alice, Edward, and Bella you guys will be in the same grade. Rose, Emmet, and Jasper you guys will be in the same grade as well. I hope you kids have a good day." Carlisle told us.

Esme gave us each a hug. We all made our way to Emmet's huge jeep. "Bella there is no reason to be worried. You have all of us." Jasper said. "I know. I know." I mumbled low. But, of course they heard. "Love what's wrong?" Edward asked. I shook my head. "Bella." He warned. "Its just that, you are all beautiful and I'm plain and boring." "No your not!" Everybody exclaimed. "Bella. You are so beautiful. Don't ever think otherwise!" Edward said. Then he kissed me very passionately. "Ew get a room!" Emmet yelled. I rolled my eyes and gave Edward one more peck.

When we got there we all went to the main office. Alice beat us there. She was really excited. "Hi! We are the Cullens/Swan/Hales and we are new." Alice chirped. "Um yes. Here are your schedules. Have a nice day dears." She said. I had all of my classes with at least one of the family members besides one. Rose and I made our way to math. I was greeted by a girl with green eyes and was a little taller than me. "Hi girls! I'm Emma. If you guys need anything just tell me." She said and walked back to her seat. "Wow she is really nice." I said. Rose nodded.

The teacher came in and spotted us. "Ah. I see we have two new students. Why don't you stand up and tell us a little bit about yourself." Crap. Rose stood up. "My name is Rosalie Hale. I like fashion and cars." She sat down and I stood up. "I'm Isabella Swan but I go by Bella. I like reading and music." I sat down. I was blushing. We continued on with the rest of our lessons. I got to know Emma more and she is a really good friend. Finally lunch came around.

"Hey love. Did you meet any friends?" Edward asked. "Yeah I met a girl named Emma. She is really nice." "That's good." He said and gave me a peck on the lips.

The rest of the day went by fast. I went home did homework, beat Emmet at video games, ate dinner, and went to bed. "Goodnight Edward. I love you." I told Edward as he lay beside me on my bed. "Goodnight my Bella. I love you more." "Not possible." I whispered. He chuckled. "So possible." He said and I fell into a deep sleep.


Thanks for reading!


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