Hard day

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It was Izuku's turn to swallow the child. He took the little girl from Ochako's arms and handed her his backpack.
It was about 3 o'clock at night, they were sleepy but could not stand for a moment
They only had a bottle of Katsuki water
They did not say anything
Because by opening their mouths, their hatred exploded and their pride was crushed
They almost reached the top of a high mountain And stared at their ruined city
They decided to sit for a while but the child shook and woke up
She shouted in confusion and walked away from Izuku Katsuki
"We are not the enemy," Ochako said quietly to the little girl
The little girl burst into tears and tears welled up in her aching face: Where is my mother?
Katsuki approached the little girl: We are looking for her
Izuku: That's right, we're not hurting you
Ochako approached the frightened girl and gave her a half-bottle of water to calm her The girl drank water quickly: T..Tanks
Ochako put you in his arms: What is your name?
The girl answered hesitantly: eri
Izuku stared at him in admiration: What a beautiful name
Katsuki stared at his cell phone, hoping to see the names of the victims
The cold voice of the presenter hears this: an unknown terrorist group attacked the city of Hishaki on the western border and left many victims. This city is now under the control of the terrorist group and the amount of damage has not been estimated.
Katsuki looked at the city in despair: they are still in the city
Izuku asked: What does he want?
Katsuki: I do not know
Ochako had the girl attached to his chest :It's better to walk
They moved for hours, it was already morning and they were behind the mountain
Katsuki and Izuku were very worried and this concern was passed on to Ochaku, they did not have much to eat but Ochaku had an idea: mushrooms!
Katsuki: What do you say round face?
Izuku: This is a mountain, so it must have mushrooms
Eri called to them: What is this? 
Everyone went back to the point Eri pointed out
Ochako: eri, you are a genius, this is a mushroom !!!
Ochako reached for the small mushroom, but Izuku took his hand and Ochako moaned a little. He put his hand on Ochako's wound.
Izuku: How are you, Ochako?That fungus may be poisonous, so do not be reckless
ochako: Okay, okay
They continued their movement and collected the less suspicious mushrooms. Katsuki made a small fire and Izuku made a skewer for the mushrooms with a piece of wood.
Clouds hovered in the sky
And the spring breeze caressed their skin
The weather was a bit cold so Ochako dropped his coat for eri
The mushrooms were wonderful except that they needed salt and spices
Katsuki filled the small bottle with a little atmospheric water and handed it to her
Eri admitted ‌ and impressed Katsuki, yesterday was different from today from earth to sky!
They continued their movement and entered the deserted village
Izuku: They must have evacuated here
Katsuki: We need a few things
Ochako: You do not mean to go and steal people's houses?
Katsuki: Make no mistake, Ochako, we're just borrowing
Izuku: In addition, we need to survive
Ochako squeezed the girl's hand and shrugged: OK
They started with a small house with white metal windows: food-blankets-tents And clothes
They filled their bags and a feeling told them they were coming soon
It was noon and the sun was shining The weather was mild, but Achako threw a cloth over his head to prevent overheating. Spring is like this, it gets hot and you freeze after the cold!
Izuku laughed and said to the girl, "You are very sensitive about Eri."
Ochako: Izuku, you are really stupid! What can we do if something happens?
Katsuki: Did you just find out he's stupid? In addition to being stupid, he is also stupid and ignorant
Ochako: Unaware? How about
Izuku: Enough, you wake up now eri
They were moving faster, they needed to be far enough away from the terrorists' headquarters
Excessive fatigue invaded their bodies They had not slept for two days
Ochako first suggested that they take turns guarding the others so that if something happened, it would be perfectly reasonable.
Ochako leaned against a tree and the air slowly cooled. She leaned her head against his chest and suggested to the others to put their heads on his feet, spread the blanket and soon the two boys fell asleep.
Izuku and Katsuki argue most of the time, but now they were snoring like two children. Ochaku laughed but nothing was right in his heart yet, are their families alive?
Ochako felt drowsy but did not want to wake anyone.
Katsuki woke up two hours later: "What time is it, Ochako?"
Ochako yawned and replied: I think 6 in the morning
Katsuki: Why didn't you wake me up sooner?
Ochako: I did not feel that you slept so well
Katsuki sighed: You can sleep
Ochako: Thank you
When Katsuki realized that the girl's breath had calmed down, she realized that she was asleep 

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