Chapter 21

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The scene is surrounded by dense fumes, and it has been characterized as taunting, completely swallowed by the impending flames. Furthermore, the temperature was corroding hot, and venturing through would almost ultimately result in a journey to the searing inferno.


The wooden pillars were roaring with a blistering blaze, slowly converting everything into charcoal and crumbling. And as a direct consequence of the aforementioned major hindrance, Manjiro was prevented from instantaneously entering the house that had been consumed by fire, as the smoke that blanketed the area made it difficult for Manjiro to inhale and exhale and stride inside, as the smoke had disastrously penetrated his eyes and lungs. Nonetheless, it didn't prevent him fully, as his determination overpowered every anxiety pumping along with his warm blood through his vessels.


Beads of sweat escape his pores and trickled his skin, furthermore dampening the clothes he wear. Each time he seizes steps farther within the dwelling, it was unavoidable that Manjiro would utter a cough periodically, as the smoke could still permeate deeper into his system despite keeping his nose and mouth covered with his hands.


"Y/n!" screamed Manjiro as he walked into the regular spot where her wife sat, and to his delight, he spotted her seated in the midst; the fire enclosing every path, yet he walks through the fire evading the plunging woods and debris.


Her eyes glistened with tears, coating her cheeks and evaporating as soon as it reaches the ground.

"Y/n." Mikey strides toward her, however, as he makes his way toward the place she was rooted, a fraction of the ceiling collapses unexpectedly in front of him; much to his satisfaction, he narrowly escaped it and somehow managed to reach the spot his wife was positioned.

He examines every inch of her. His breathing was ragged and his sight was slowly turning dimmed due to the heat that was encircling him continually.

"Don't worry, we'll get out of here unscathed. You weren't harmed, were you?" he said, his voice quivering slightly though unnoticeable as he flashed her a comforting grin and engulfed her within his arm securely. "I'm sorry for leaving you alone; I'll never leave you alone again; please come with me."

He was slowly losing his consciousness, however, he remain persistent to bring them out of the place completely untouched.


Farther behind him voices chimed continuously, distress was evident in their baritone.

"Mikey!" Sanzu screamed as was halted on his track. "Get out of here. Leave her alone."

"Why can't you understand, Mikey?" Kakucho uttered next. "Can't you see your wife is dead? You're deceiving yourself."


"What do you mean dead?" Manjiro remarked, annoyance was engraved all over his face. "Can't you see she's asking me to save her? And even if she didn't, who are you to tell me to abandon what's most important to me?

"As long as I had her in my arms, I'd rather have this flame eat me alive."

Manjiro had always adored Y/n, and simply by hearing words towards her that he considered objectionable, he couldn't help but feel utter hatred and would unawares barricade himself within his world filled with her recollection wherein those words wouldn't reach him; it was the denial of the nasty reality, the reality he refuses to believe.


"Stop... Just stop, Mikey." Kakucho shouted with filtered desperation. "You're just plain delusory; even if you preserve her body, your wife won't return, and I'm sure she won't be pleased with what you're doing."

However, these words were seemingly barricaded from ever entering Manjiro's hearing as he merely hug her, waiting, as his consciousness completely drifted.

❝You'll let me join you, right, my wife?❞ He whispered quietly. ❝I love you.❞

𝐍𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐁𝐀𝐓𝐀  Manjiro SanoWhere stories live. Discover now