Phone call

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July, 2001. Friday, 11:44 pm.

"Josuke, pick up the phone, I'm busy here!!" Tomoko shouted from across the house.

The young man rushed towards the phone, almost dropping his hairbrush on the way, wondering who the hell could be calling this late at night in a friday.

"Moshi moshi, Higashikata residence."

"Hello, Josuke. Forgive me for calling so late." The deep voice on the other side of the line politely said.

"Oh, Jotaro-san?" Josuke exclaimed in surprise. "You don't call often, how you're doing?"

"Not too well, I'm afraid. I was currently in a short vacation here in Japan, but a problem appeared."

"A problem?"

"It came to the Speedwagon Foundation's knowledge that a nearby town is having a few issues with what could be stand users. Perhaps this case even has a connection with DIO."

Josuke gasped. "Stand users? Nearby? You mean, near Morioh?"

"Precisely. This is the reason I'm calling you. Keep an eye out for any strange activities." Jotaro warned. "Our family is known for attracting quite bizarre situations, apparently." He remarked.

"You bet, Jotaro-san. We don't need any more trouble around here. It's my duty as a soon-to-be cop to protect the town, innit?" Josuke proudly accepted his responsibility. "Oh, and... it really sucks your vacation had to be interrupted by that."

"I'm used to it. Too bad it had to happen just when I planned to spend some time with my daughter and mother in my hometown." He sighed in disappointment.

"I see-" Josuke paused. "Wait. Daughter? Jotaro-san, YOU HAVE A DAUGHTER??" He screamed at the phone.

"Is it really that surprising?"

"Nonono, I mean- well, kinda, it's just that..." He cleared his throat. "You never told me, anyways, what are you gonna do about her? She can't go with you on a mission, right?"

"Well, my mom has no condition of taking care of her for an undetermined timespan, so I..." He sadly paused. "I believe I'll have to send her back to her mother in Florida. It's a shame our vacation will have to end this way."

"Wait!" Josuke exclaimed as if he just had a brilliant idea. "Maybe it doesn't have to. If your mom can't take care of her, why don't you leave her with us, here in Morioh? She'll be safe surrounded by stand users and will have fun with some new friends instead of just going home. And then, when you're done with your investigation, you can continue your vacation. What do you say?"

Jotaro took a few moments to process the information and think. "I guess it she would have fun. But only if you guarantee that there are no more perverted serial killers roaming around there."

"I assure you, I checked, there are no serial killers." He laughed.

"I'll ask her what she thinks. She will probably say yes, since she loves, quote on quote, 'adventures.'"

"She's awake this late? Wait, how old is she?" Josuke questioned, but obtained no response. Jotaro probably moved the phone away from his ear so he could talk to his daughter, but returned in a minute or so.

"Very well, Josuke. It's a deal. You assure to keep my daughter safe?"

"I assure! She'll love to hang out with me, Okuyasu and Koichi, we can take her to Tonio's restaurant, Trattoria Trussardi, or to read Rohan's mangas- actually... it's better if she doesn't meet Rohan at all."

"Is it ok if I drop her over tomorrow early in the morning?"

"If early doesn't mean, like, 5 am, sure."

Jotaro chuckled. "I appreciate it, Josuke. Thank you for helping me spend more time with her.

"Anything for my nephew!"

Author's Note

I hope the beggining isn't too boring-

VACATION IN MORIOH-CHO (Josuke-Giorno-Jolyne-meetup) ~ DISCONTINUED (probably)Where stories live. Discover now