~Chapter 4~ Just Not My Day

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(Y/N) stared up at the large building she had been instructed to come to. She was told that she would be meeting here with some professionals where they would discuss how she got there.

Letting out a deep breath to sooth herself, she finally opened the door.

The inside was... a bit underwhelming, to be completely honest. It was a bit empty, but hey, guess you can't expect a hero corporation to fill up such a big building with more than what's necessary.

She wandered around a bit, taking a few lefts and rights, going up and down some stairs, realizing she was never exactly told where in the building she was told to meet.

"Oh come on, isn't there a map or something in here?" The young lady turned another corner before bumping into a rather sturdy chest. She winced as she rubbed her forehead, feeling a small bump form because of the impact. "Ah, shit! My bad! I'm just—"

"You're (Y/N), right?"

Hearing her name, she finally looked up to meet the eyes- er, eye of the one she bumped into. Judging by his metal structure, he must be another cyborg. Explains why he didn't so much as flinch when the two collided..

"Yeah, that's me. You?"

"Drive Knight." He held out a hand for (Y/N) to shake. "So you're the rookie from a different world who can control monsters to her bidding."

"Well, not exactly control, they're more like my buddies." (Y/N) took his hand with a grin and shook it. "Nice to meet ya! You're another hero, right? I'm looking forward to working with ya!"

"You're lost, aren't you?"

(Y/N) took her hand back with an embarrassed chuckle. "Yeah... But in my defense, I was never exactly told how to get around in this place!"

"And that's why I'm here. Come on, before you get even more lost than you already are."

"... Was I at least close to getting there on my own?"

"Not even close."

"Ah, you're (Y/N), right?" the voice of a young boy called out. "We've been waiting for you." A rolling chair spun around to reveal the source of a voice; a young boy in a teal shirt. "You can call me Child Emperor. Come, sit down. There's a lot of things we need to ask you."

"Hey, nice to meet'cha," (Y/N) said as she pulled up a chair and let herself get comfy. She had to admit, the various security cameras pointed at her made her a bit unnerved. "So, how're we gonna do this? Some kinda interview thing?"

"Hold still." Drive Knight began strapping something to (Y/N)'s bicep, and was beginning to strap the same bindings around her abdomen as (Y/N) interjected. "Um, what are you doing?"

"Don't worry, miss (Y/N). It's a simple lie detector," Child Emperor responded in attempts to soothe the clearly tense trainer. "We just want to make sure that we aren't being fed any false information. This machine won't bring you any pain."

"As long as you aren't lying."

"Wow, isn't that comforting?" (Y/N) mumbled to herself at Drive Knight's words.

"Now, you said an alien brought you here from another world?"

"Yeah, that sounds about right."

Child Emperor looked up at Drive Knight, who nodded in response. "Everything she's saying is true."

"What else can you tell us about this alien?"

"Well, he said something about a 'Lord Boros' guy? And a queen?"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2021 ⏰

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