Chapter 1

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14 years ago

Saveee!!! You bring your ass back here girl.  I aint finish with you.
I pace myself running down the street, shoes busted and clothes stained. I didnt care I had enough of that drunken bastard. Over that shit I was safer on the street then with him. Outta breath I hunched over to catch myself. I guess I will go over to the local shelter for tonight. I didnt have much friends cause to be honest I didnt go to school. How could I never had clean clothes or good shoes. I got sick of them stuck up bitches fucking with me.

I cross the street to the corner store I gotta stack up some snacks for the night. By the time I get to the shelter eating hours will be over with. I would like to say this is my first time but its not. My pops like to play games with me so when I wouldnt make it home on time he would lock me out. Have me banging and slapping hands on the door making people call the police on me. Middle of winter too mad as hell but I'll be alright

"Ayy Abdul, whats good"

I waved at the cashier him and his wife are the store owners. Real good people they know me from around the neighborhood.

"Why you out so late, tell yo pops to open the door!"

"Nah I got some business to handle I am good tonight tho"

He waves me off tryna help the dread head dude that came in wanting lotto tickets. I hated stealing from them but I mean what do you expect. Abdul is money hungry he knows my home problem but he dont give a fuck. So fuck him I speak when I see him but I know what I gotta do. Stuffing graham crackers and cheetos in my panties. I run over and slide a gatorade under my arm pits. Rushing out the store shit getting tense between abdul and the dread head. Good gave me time to do what I need to do.

The shelter was a couple of blocks down from the store. Technically they have a close off time but I always sneak through the bathroom window. Going through the alley way I see the busted up window and slide through. I have my own little hiding place in the janitor closet a nice sleeping bag,pillow and a night light. Good enough for me for now tomorrow is a new day, new problem.

Tomorrow afternoon 2pm

I see this young hustler on the corner, eating my cheetos sitting on the curb. Nigga been out here since 10 this morning getting hella money. I braided my hair down last night from the looks of my clothes guys dont know if I am female or male. Works in my favor because I am tryna be down I can be a message boy or something a runner. Anything to get my some money for now. I looked over again he gave me a knod, signal for me to approach.

"Yoo, whats yo name luh homie?"

"Everybody call me Save, see you doing good tho" knodding at his fit

"Yeaa looks like you can do better" he looks at me laughing

"Yea but I am tryna do better you think Jamal might have some work for me?

Jamal is the local supplier around here he supplies all the dope boy with their product. All he asks for is 20% of the profit made for the day and he always and I mean ALWAYS knows what everybody makes. He has eyes and ears on the streets, even your bestfriend may be down with him you never know. Best not to lie then to die over some money, fair man but he just doesnt play.

"Uh nah go on over on 53rd check my man G out"

"G?! Man I dont fucking know him"

"Ayy it dont matter better than walking around here stanking, man u look like a hobo. Just go check him out he gonna help you"

I stanked face that nigga cause I mean he just dont know I dont choose to look like this. But hey he had a point I started walking and found myself on 53rd. Seen a tall brother by the corner store real lowkey he has waves a nice pair of jordans on. Nothing flashy of course but I could tell him apart based off his silver plated diamond chain with the large letter G glistening.

I didnt know at that time that this man would become my confidon, my brother, my bestfriend hell my father. But life dont always tell you the plan, it just lets you play it out.

"Ayy G um Darrel sent me ova said u had work"

He looks me up and down and nods his head. Reaches in his pocket pulls out a hundred and hands it to me.

"Go on over on parks and ave building 24 apartment number 120, tell the butler Gerald sent you."

I looked at him confused, the fuck so why giving me a hundred if he telling me to exchange money for some product this shit aint enough. I looked up at him tryna hand him the money back.

" Nah make a choice I gave you money and I gave you a address now there are choices to make."

A loud car pulls up to the corner store G leans up and walks over. Slides in the BMW noticing me looking over he loudly says it again.

"Make em choices luh homie!"

Pulls off and I start off to apartment 120. Sliding the crispy hundred in my back pocket.

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