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Wtf why is this so sound so ANNOYING?! you think. You pull out your hand and tries to turn the alarm off that should be on your drier next to your bed, but it isnt. SHUT THE FCK UUUUP you yell in frustration. You stand up and look around to search for your phone and you find it on your desktop, where you forgot it yesterday. You hold your phone and tries to turn it off but it just dont turn off.

Ahhh just SHUT THE FCK UP YOU DAMNIT PHONE you yell and throw it on the ground. The alarm stoped and so you look shocked to the ground because of your crazy sudden reaction. You quickly get your phone and look at it. DAMN ITTTT you yell. For your not surprise its totally broken and doesnt even turn on. thats already the second phone just this month, not to mention we are literally just on the half of the month. Dad is not gonna enjoy this new, but at least hes not gonna be surprised you think shrugging it off.

You walk out from your room to go to the bathroom to do all the cares you need in the morning (a/n: with that I mean brush your teeth, brush your hair). You finish brushing your hair and go to the kitchen to make a lunch box for yourself. Your mom died as you were 12 and since then your dad started to work hard just to not be at your sad home. You couldnt care less since he is the worst dad ever.

He really is never at home. You start thinking to yourself He actually just comes home one time a month to see if Im alright. Not like he would care but he has to because I unfortunately am his biological daughter you role your eyes and look at the portrait on the counter with your dad, your mom and you happy on it. You smile as you see how happy your mom was on the photo.

You start having flashbacks at why your mother died and how the time was as she slowly died with you by her side. Thinking at how your dad treated you like a stranger after she died didnt really help it. You start to cry, but quickly stop crying because you dont wanna think about it. You finish doing your lunch box and get the telephone from home. You call your dad and tell him that your phone broke again. He just sighs and say that he will buy you a new one and send it to you.

Disgusted by his voice because you hate him you thank him and end the call without letting him finish his sentence. You go to your room to search for your new uniform since its your first day at the Karasuno High. While you are searching you start talking like you are making a youtube video. Today is my first day at the Karasuno High. Im searching for my uniform because I honestly dont know where I put it. you walk to the other side of the room and continue searching.

Y'all are probably asking yourselves why the fck I am changing school on mid of my second year. You walk up to your wardrobe well thats a good question haha! Short story I beat up a fck talking btch because she tried to beat me up. The btch literally turn all against me and said that I was bullying her! You finally find your uniform and yell HELL YEAH and say, why the hell am I telling this to literally NO ONE. You start putting your clothes on and think Im going crazytalking to my self like that

You go down put your lunch box on your schoolbag, go out of the house and start walking to your new school. You put your earphones on, but then you search for your phone and remember that you let it at home because you broke it. You sigh in defeat. You put your earphones on the pocket and continue walking to school.

You arrive at school and start looking around to find my new class. As you search you hear someone call you name. You turn around to see Kiyoko standing there. You blink your sometimes in disbelief. As she yells chuckling lightly Y/N its me your one-san from the other side of the hallway. You start running to her as you yell Kiyokooo smiling from ear to ear with a little blush.

She looks at you just smiling as much letting her arms open for you to hug. You run to her and jump at her to catch you. She catches you and hugs you, you respond hugging her back. Shen then says What are you doing here Y/N I havent seen you since FOREVER you two release the hug and look around just to see everyone staring at the two of you. You start blushing and look back at this goddess in front of you. I dont think that we have to talk about that one-san. you wink at her, and she blush a little then you continue We should talk about how beautiful you turned since the last time we saw each other you say with a smirk.

She chuckles a little and says Ah I see that you are just the same Y/N, but seriously what happened? She looks at you with a face that says dont-you-dare-keep-it-a-secret. You know that she wants to know what happened, so you say, I would never dont treat you like goddess Kiyoko! So what about I tell you what happened on lunch my angel? you say winking. She blushes and looks at you like as she just got what she wanted and smile nodding. Making you blush since lets gonna say that you had a crush on her. Where is your class Ill help you find it she says.

You give her the paper you had on your hand saying you class. She looks at it and says, So its the 2-b (a/n: I just randomly picked one, but lets pretend that it is und Nishinoyas class). She walks you to your class, while you two are talking. You arrive at your class, so she hugs you and you two say goodbye.

You enter your new class blushing since you just hugged a goddess. As you were looking for an empty table a bald guy got your attention. He is laughing talking to another dude. As you were looking at him or better checking him you didnt notice he was looking back at you. So, he speaks up Oh is there a problem? you look up at him and notice that he has a light blush on his cheeks, while you are blushing yourself. But you hide it U-uh no no of course not, haha-ha Im new and was just looking for an empty table, why you ask? you say quickly.

He looks at you smiling and says Oh okay its just that you were staring at me so I thought that might there is a problem you look at him shocked since he noticed that you checked him.OMG did he really notice that checked him?! OH!!! haha I forgot that Im a badass so Im just gonna say it There is no problem! Its just that you had my attention for a second since you are really hot you say monotone. The boy was blushing, and his friend look at you shocked with your sincerity. You see the teacher looking at you gesturing to come to the front of the class. You look back at the boy who seemed like he didnt know what to say Looks like I let you out of words huh?! Haha so I gotta go but I hope we can speak again you say winking at him and walking to the front of the class.

Class started and you look at the teacher who was talking to you. He then says Class we have a new student today! Care to introduce yourself L/N. He looks at you and you just nod. Hello everyone! My name is L/N Y/N, but you can just call me Y/N! you say while bowing, then you continue I came from Nekoma High and had to change because of some reasons that not gonna say. My hobbys are to play Volleyball and draw. About relationships... Im bi so I pull at girls and boys you say winking. The hole class is blushing, what makes you smile. Then you hear some people saying wow shes hot!, Im not gonna lie even I blushed and a girl that get your attention said, thats why I like girls. Hearing that makes you blush a little.

She looks at you and smiles. Making you blush even more, so you look away hearing a giggle from her. The teacher breaking your flustered moment says So mrs. L/N you can sit next to Tanaka. You look around just to see the hot boy from before with his hand up. You sit next to him, and he says Oh hey you from before! Im Tanaka and this is Nishinoya he says pointing to the boy behind him. Hi there Im Y/N! but you can call me mine you say giggling looking at Tanaka, who is too flustered to answer.

Hahah you really are a simp huh?! Nishinoya says laughing. You look at him and start laughing Hey! Maybe just a little to people that I find hot But Im not a simp for everyone okay?! you say more laughing than talking. Nishinoya stops laughing, looks at you and say You literally made everyone on the class blush and blushed when a girl said something about you and not to forget about you flirting with Tanaka. Okay you have a point ! but that doesnt mean that Im a simp for everyone you say defending yourself. He looks at you Okay okay Y/N lets say that I believe you he says, so you just smile as answer and look forward. 'Im happy that its my first day and I got to see my one-san and even made friends... but I think that I really should start to pay Attention on class'

A/N: Sorry if its too cringe but like Im really a simp for everyone so I thoght that I should put that on the ff and since I just did read one ff where Y/N is bi. I had to make them bi. Thats also my first Fanfic at all so Im sorry if its bad. I love Tanaka and Kiyoko, so Y/N will like the two of them. I hope you all like it

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2021 ⏰

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