Chapter 1

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(Author's Note: This is the first Yugioh fanfiction I've ever written so of course, it's about my favourite of the shows so far: GX. Since I watched this show in sub, I will be referring to the characters with their original Japanese names. Jaden is Judai, Jesse is Johan, Banner is Daitokuji, etc. I will also be referring to Yubel as a "they" since in their current form, I don't think they're male or female and I don't want to start a fight over their gender.)

Judai's POV

Bag slung over his back, Judai made his way to the top of the rise, overlooking the rocky landscape stretching out around him. A light breeze whisked his hair around and cooled his skin. Judai took a deep breath. It was so peaceful up here, far from the hotspot for trouble that Duel Academia had been and far from people in general. However, no people also meant no duelists. Judai intended to learn all he could about the duel monster spirits of this world. He couldn't do that alone. Besides, as nice as this peace was, it would quickly get boring.

The sun was barely peeking out on the edge of the horizon, leaving faint slimmers of pink and orange in the west. Meanwhile, the rest of the sky had gone dark blue. Judai even spotted stars in the dark expanse, beginning to peek out with their dim glow. Sighing, Judai took a step down the rise. He found the slope down, allowing his feet to slide him down the incline without losing his balance. Then he hopped away. Pharaoh, his former teacher's cat who'd waited at the foot of the hill, padded after Judai with an eager meow.

Judai allowed Pharaoh to brush up against his leg. He smiled. Kneeling on the ground, Judai patted Pharoah's head. Then he continued walking. It was completely dark by the time Judai had gathered enough wood for a fire.

"Stopping for the night?" A familiar voice asked from his mind.

"Yeah," Judai nodded as he sat down in the dirt.

He plopped the pile of wood down, bunching it up before he scraped a rock across one of the sticks. A fire lit, hungrily engulfing the woodpile. Judai scooted toward it. Taking his backpack off, he grabbed his food, some pears, out of the bag. Judai looked around. However, besides Pharoah, he was completely alone in the dark night.

"Yubel..." Judai prompted, holding up one of his pears. "You want to come out?"

"You know I don't eat," Yubel replied, still not showing themself.

"But you can keep me company," Judai insisted, taking a bite of the pear.

He heard Yubel let out a sigh. Moments later, a tall shape faded into view beside him. Judai couldn't help but look his partner up and down, admiring their huge spiked wings, multi-coloured hair, and glowing orange and blue eyes. In their past lives, Yubel had taken this form so they'd be able to protect him. Others claimed this form took away Yubel's beauty. All Judai could think in response to that was that he had never disagreed more.

Judai smiled. "There's my favourite duel spirit," he winked at Yubel.

They smiled, looking away.

"Kuri! Kuri!" A little voice protested.

Something furry brushed against Judai's cheek. Judai giggled. He looked over his shoulder to see a very cross-looking Winged Kuriboh, squeaking in protest.

"Chill out," Judai chuckled, gently pushing Winged Kuriboh away. "You're my favourite too, Winged Kuriboh. Just in a different way."

"Kuri? Kuri?" Winged Kuriboh tilted his head to the side.

"Don't worry about it, little buddy," Judai replied, ruffling the fur on Winged Kuriboh's head. The monster let out a huff.

"Seems like your little Kuriboh is jealous," Yubel remarked, ruffling their wings.

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