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Fred runs to his room and locks the door
You run behind him

H: Fred!
F: ...
H: Freddie!
F: ...
H: Fred open the door!
F: ...
H: Fred please
M: What happened dear?
H: A terrible misunderstanding, am I allowed to use magic?
M: Only if it's necessary
H: Thanks a lot  'Alohomora'

The door opens in front of you as you walk inside
You witness Fred sitting on his bed

H: Fred, what was that all about?
F: I just wanted to be alone
H: Do you want me to go then?
F: Not quite
H: Can you please tell me what's wrong?
F: Well um
H: Cause if it is about George I-
F: No need to apologize, I know that you like to call us like this
H: Exactly it didn't mean anything, I call everyone with these kind of nicknames
F: Yeah you do
H: It's one of the things you love about me
F: Hahah yeah
H: So if that wasn't the problem then what is it?
F: Well we are best friends right?
H: Right, you say mockingly
F: Come on I'm serious
H: Ok Padfoot
F: Stop it I'm trying to be serious and you make me laugh
H: Sorry
F: So we're best friends and I feel like I'm the only one left out
H: You're not left out
F: Yes I am, you have had conversations with everyone but me
H: That can't be true
F: You even talked with hermione's cat
H: She was far too cute
F: You hate cats
H: Yeah but I haven't talk to George much either
F: I know but
H: Ok enough, I'm here for what 1 hour?
F: 2 hours
H: 2 hours and
F: And it's like I don't exist
H: Freddie
F: You know I'm right
H: Ok let's start again

You sit at the bed next to Fred

H: Hi
F: Hi
H: I think that the polite thing to do is to ask about your life
F: You're getting good at this
H: So tell me what happened with that girl of yours
F: What girl?
H: The one you took last year to the Yule ball
F: Who? Johnson?
H: I don't remember her name, I do remember you mentioning her though
F: Nothing happened
H: Oh why
F: I just wanted company for the ball, and I knew her from quidditch practice so it helped
H: Aren't you supposed to bring someone you fancy on those things?
F: She wasn't my first choice
H: Fred weasley got dumped? By who?
F: You actually
H: Me? But I didn't even came to the triathlon
F: Exactly, I meant to ask you to the ball
H: Aw sweetie I'm sorry I was busy
F: You can't be that busy to skip the ball
H: That's very selfish of you
F: No it's not, tell me one good reason of why you were so busy, cause at your earlier letter that month you said you'd be there
H: I was about to come after taking care of some things, but when Harry became one of the triathlon champions I received a letter
F: Mcgonagall's letter?
H: Exactly she was convinced that something terrible was about to happen
F: Brilliant
H: She thought that we should start practicing as early as possible
F: I see, sorry then
H: Apology accepted Mr Weasley
F: Is that my new nickname?
H: I'll think about it, you know I always loved your family's name
F: Then-

Ron comes in

R: Sorry to interrupt you guys
H: Don't worry Ron
F: What happened?
R: Mom said that we should go downstairs something bad happened
F: What exactly?
R: Harry..

Hello fellow potterheads I hope you're enjoying the story
Let me know what you like about it
See ya 🧹

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