[ C H A P T E R I ]

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[ C H A P T E R   O N E   ]

tell me lies


"Bathroom is next door."

Sophie's statement was almost automatic. She didn't even lift her head at the strangers arrival into her bedroom, Jean's one night stands had become a thing she had slowly got used to over the past couple of years. This guy was no different.

"Right, um, okay, thanks," he muttered in reply from where he was stood at the open door, her peripheral vision catching a glimpse of a certain yellow kimono, "I'm Dan."

Her head lifted from the windowsill at that, hand still hanging out of the open window with a cigarette attached to the end. She looked at him for a rather brief moment, soon becoming tired of the awkward twitching he was doing.

"I don't care."

She pulled the cigarette back to her lips then, taking a drag as she watched him leave, the door shutting firmly behind him. Being careful to blow the smoke out of the open window, Sophie resigned to the fact she'd have to put it out, her window of remaining smell free was shortening by the second.

A tiny smile formed on her lips as she flicked the stub off the windowsill, it falling further than yesterday's morning one had. With a sigh, she pulled her window shut, spinning round and swinging her long legs off of her bed that was pressed against the wall.

Her bedroom fell just short of being a box room. It worked for her though and she did actually really like it. Even if she had to move the rail that contained all of her clothes to one side every time she sat down to do her makeup. It was a sacrifice she had quickly gotten used to, secretly quite enjoying the fact she could use the rail as almost another wall between her bed and the rest of the room. It gave her privacy, and in this house, privacy was quite a rare thing.

A yawn fell from her lips as she sat down at her makeup desk, the sight that reflected back at her making her frown deepen.

If she was being honest, Sophie looked exhausted. The bags under her eyes had increased, dark smudges also joining them. Her skin was pale too, the frequent late nights really starting to catch up to her.

Placing her head in hands, she turned in the direction of the bathroom, trying earnestly to listen for any noise that would hint it was still occupied.

Nothing but the sound of Otis banging around in the kitchen could be heard which she was grateful of, even if it did hurt her aching head. The very last thing she wanted to do was walk in on Jean's 'boyfriend'.

Not when it had ended so badly last time.


"Morning Sophie." Jean called as the brunette descended down the stairs, boots clonking on the wood as she walked, "coffee?"


Sophie watched as Jean turned back to the coffee pot, pouring another one before placing one cup in front of Dan, and the other opposite him.

𝐽𝑈𝑆𝑇        ~      [ 𝑎 𝑆𝐸𝑋 𝐸𝐷𝑈𝐶𝐴𝑇𝐼𝑂𝑁 𝑓𝑎𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑐 ]Where stories live. Discover now