Chapter 3: Cute-ish

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Izuku didn't know where the time went, one moment Eri was still 4 months old and now she was older than 3 years old.

Izuku remembered how it was for him back then. He had run himself ragged for the first two weeks looking things up on how to take care of her and then practicing it.

It wasn't until Mitsuki and her family came back from their trip that he was able to let her take care of Eri while he went to school and not to mention Mitsuki was a huge help, what with all her experience and all. She had taught him all he needed to know and more. He still remembered that one time where she thought it was good for him to get a demonstration of what breastfeeding was. He was sincerely glad it was a one-time thing because his head had almost combusted because of how much heat rose to it. Regardless of her rather crass personality, she knew how to take care of a child at a physical level. Mentally? Izuku was still on the fence about how stable Katsuki really was. Katsuki always got top marks in gym class— not without Izuku interchanging with him for the top spot— and he was healthy. All that training was worth it but tiring.

He remembered how the moment he entered class he had significant bags under his eyelids and he slept all the time. For about a week Katsuki has actually asked him "What the hell is wrong with you!" before he groaned in response to his loud shouting. Izuku thought that subtly, Katsuki's shouting was getting quieter when directed towards him because even if he was a jerk he held respect for Izuku that only rose when he found out his new responsibilities. Mitsuki once told Izuku that Katsuki asked for a baby to take care of just to get even.

Eventually, it all evened out. School and home life eventually began to coincide with one another. Mitsuki watched Eri while he went to school and when he was home everything else was on him. Simply enough, is what he thought. My the time he was ready for high school he had changed.

Turned out that his analytical skills and his quirk notes brought him some people with large funds. He ended up not needing either of his jobs because support gear companies and other individuals paid him plenty for his ideas and even some designs. He started making notes on villains as well because they were becoming increasingly more beneficial to have notes on. Izuku didn't know it but he had probably sold some notes to the police before.

Not that he cared. He didn't like the government seeing as they did absolutely nothing to help him as a nine-year-old when that incident happened. Leaving him all alone to fend for himself, just because he was quirkless! He was lucky that he had Mitsuki as a neighbor or he would have been forced to roam the streets. The Bakugo family was never close with his but he had an odd friendship, no acquaintance with Katsuki Bakugo after standing up to him and earning his respect so out of the goodness in most likely the father of the house's heart they let him in. Not without proper assurance that he would earn his stay. He could never thank enough, she had done a lot for him. Much more than anybody else, especially the government, bastards wanted to leave him in the streets. Then he would become what he disliked more than the government... a villain. He didn't care for heroes, police or villains but he cared for Eri and to let her have a good life he was going to have to get a good job. And that starts with the General Education course at U.A.

As Izuku stared at the humongous front gates of the prestigious U.A high school he couldn't help but think back on how Eri had completely changed his life. He wasn't so gloomy anymore and he couldn't help think that he became more mature and looked more mature because of her (might just be in his head but he felt like he was taller and had less of what Mitsuki called a "baby face"). He was actually happy.

He loved her and he thought about how much she has grown.

When Izuku awoke he could feel the draft of air upon his lower torso. He could also hear a faint beeping sound the erupted from the left side of the room. The beeping was consistent and rhythmic but occasionally a slight shrill babble or giggle would settle in through the noise.

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