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Just a little story time and sorry for my grammar

Lets just call the dogs:alia and amara

(That wasnt our dog's real name)

we have 2 dogs so we were somewhere far i was with my grandma, aunt, mom, dad then my cousin called that alia (the dog) died my mom was crying and the others too while i was trying not to cry alia was my bestfriend actually when we got home we saw amara looking at my grandfather's room so yeah thats all


You were looking at your dog while crying and saying some sweet stuff to her before she/he dies hoyeon was at a photoshoot

"When you get to dog heaven i promise that you will see your brother" You said while crying

You laid your head on the sofa(you were sitting on the ground) and the dog wiped your tears

You pulled (dog name) closer to you and hugging her for the last time

while hugging (dog name) some memories are bringing back to when you got her when you walk with her when you give her a bath and cuddling her

You watched (dog name) while her breathing stopped

"Thank you for the memories (dog name) you will be always in my heart"

Time skip

Hoyeon walked into your apartment and she saw you with a picture if your dog while you were crying

"Hey, what's wrong love?" Hoyeon said while she pulled you into a hug

"(Dog name) she/he d-died" you said while crying

"Darling why didn't you tell me?" Hoyeon said wiping your tears

"I didn't wanna bother you" you said still crying

"Shh it's ok darling" hoyeon said then rubbed your back while she kissed your head

"I miss (dog name) already"

"I know love but we have to move on"

Time skip

It was night time you didn't eat any dinner or atleast check your phone you just stared at the blank wall while sitting at your bed

"Baby eat" hoyeon said trying to put some food in your mouth

You just shook your head no and turned away from her

"Baby i know how much you miss (dog name) but you still have to move on what about your health?"

Hoyeon sighed while she goes to you and kneeled down on the ground

"Baby please eat" hoyeon said grabbing your hands

Still no response

Hoyeon sighed in defeat and puts away the food and washed the dishes

Time skip

Hoyeon was on her phone texting anupam

You were staring at the light on your nightstand feeling nothing

"Baby go to sleep" hoyeon said pulling you to her chest

"Ok goodnight i love you" you said shutting your eyes

"I love you too darling"


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