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Paging Dr. Sumpter...Paging Dr.Sumpter! Your needed in Inpatient.

       Morgan deep sighed and rubbed her temples before slipping back on her shoes. She was five months into her internship with Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and it was only getting harder. Despite it being Christmas season, the number of patients coming into the hospital was increasing rapidly. What made Morgans job all the more heartbreaking was how young some of the kids she served were.  The last little girl that was hospitalized in the inpatient ward was eight. Now another child was being admitted, the tenth that day. While the number may seem low, it's more horrific that all the kids were being admitted for Anorexia and Bulimia. Their so young. They shouldn't be worrying about this. It seemed like more kids  were having to stay because the holiday season was a trigger for them. Morgan had always loved the idea of working with kids and she was so excited to score a coveted internship at CHOP. It was the top children's hospital in the US and it was her home. Growing up on the west side of Philly to a teenage single mom and absent father was rough. But her mom always told her that if she put her head into a book, she could make something of herself. At the age of nine, Morgan wrote in her journal that she was going to become a doctor. And she was living her dream...except it was incredibly draining. Morgan was specializing in Eating and Feeding disorders with the ultimate goal to bring awareness to the stigma around eating disorders within the Black community. Seeing kids so young struggling with these disorders broke her heart and she felt like she was failing them. All she wanted to do was help. Morgan stood up, relaxed her shoulders, and took several deep breaths before heading to see the newest patient. I'm going to need a drink.

*Four Hours Later*

Morgan got into her Camry, shut the door, and burst into tears. Her newest patient was six years old. Trying to treat her had broken her spirit completely. Key in the ignition, she pulled out of the parking deck as fast she could to her comfort spot, South Jazz. South reminded her of summers at her grandparents house in South Carolina with soul food so good it warmed your heart and drinks so strong you forget all your problems. After a day like today, Morgan needed to get out of her head for a while. Sitting at the bar, she swirled her finger on top of her glass of Merlot and closed her eyes. She just needed something or someone to take her mind off of work. It was all Morgan did, work or school. She didn't really have time for anything else in her life and it was starting to eat away at her. All her friends from childhood had simpler jobs and simpler lives. They were getting married, starting families. They all seemed much happier than she felt. Growing up, she kicked herself for being so smart and so ambitious. While she studied to get the best grades possible, her friends were hanging out, dating, just living life. Morgan wondered if she had made a mistake in pursuing her PhD instead of just becoming a nurse practitioner. She could feel someone come and sit in the stool next to her. She deep sighed and took another sip of her wine. Lost in her thoughts, she didn't notice the tall, good looking guy sitting next to her. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to interrupt you but I couldn't help but notice how sad you are. I know you don't know me but wanna talk about it?" 

Morgan turned towards the voice and took in his words. The guys voice was deep, dreamingly deep. She couldn't figure out why his voice was so familiar but she was grateful for someone to talk to. 

"Yeah. Rough night a work. Very rough. Lots of young patients being admitted to overnight stays." 


"Yeah, kinda. I'm getting my PhD at Temple. I work with adolescents who have eating and feeding disorders." 

"Oh wow. I'm sure that's hard. I couldn't imagine..."

"Morgan. Morgan Sumpter. You are?"

"Matisse. Thybulle."

So that's where I knew him from. He plays for the 76ers. Morgan wasn't much of a sports fan, not that she had time to watch. CHOP likes to keep all the sports teams on the TVs as an escape for the patients. She didn't know much about him as a player, but she's passes his photo of him and a young cancer patient on her way into her ward all the time. She liked how he was so easy going and caring. He didn't harp on the fact that he was a professional basketball player. He was just...Matisse. She was into that. 

"So...Want to tell me about your night Morgan?"

Describing out her day as best as she could while not violating HIPAA rights of her patients, she laid it all out for Matisse, who listened with compassion. Morgan was thankful Matisse cared enough to ask her, she needed to release the emotions of the day. 

"You know, it sounds like you need a break. If you'd like, I could help you out with that. Nothing sexual. Just something fun. Please?" 

How could Morgan turn that down? She nodded her head and smiled.  "I'm game for anything."

"Good. I hoped you would be. Wanna get out of here?" Matisse said holding his hand out. 

Morgan grinned and grabbed his hand. Getting into this strangers car was risky but she decided to just go with it. Matisse and Morgan chatted away as he drove. Morgan wasn't paying a lick of attention until she noticed the lights on Broad Street. She turned to Matisse and raised an eyebrow which caused him to burst into laughter. "Trust me pretty girl. Just trust me."  

He thinks i'm pretty? Morgan thought and began blushing. She noticed the camera resting on his lap and became intrigued. She'd never seen a camera that nice up close before and wondered what that had to do with whatever it is Matisse had planned. 

"Sometimes, when it's late at night, I like to drive around and find inspiration to photograph. Christmas here in Philly is my favorite. I love the snow."  Morgan couldn't help but smile. Downtown during Christmas season warmed her heart. Breaking up her thoughts was Matisse, who asked her if she wanted to go to the Center City District. Morgan didn't really have time to answer because they were already there. 

"I thought we could just walk around and see the lights? I think there is a place we can go ice skating too. To be honest, i've never gone. I've always wanted to though." 

"Why not? I'm sure you have tons of girls dying to go with you." 

"You think so?"

"Yeah. Why wouldn't they? You're gorgeous, kind, anf funny. I'm sure you have no trouble dating."

It was Matisse's turn to blush now. He didn't think this pretty girl would be into him like this. When he left his apartment, he was feeling a little lonely. He wasn't going to be able to go home for Christmas this year and he missed his family. Truth be told, he needed tonight just as much as Morgan did. It didn't hurt that she was beautiful either. The pair had so much fun that time flew by. Matisse didn't want this to be the last time he saw Morgan. 

"I had a great time tonight. Can I see you again sometimes?" 

Morgan grinned as she looked at Matisse. How could she ever say no to that face?

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