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━━━【❦】It had been a few weeks later since you had calculated a few situations about things you weren't aware of at first

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━━━【❦】It had been a few weeks later since you had calculated a few situations about things you weren't aware of at first. And for participating in a concealed conflict that's possible to get worse.

Although everything remained normal. Nothing drastic or obvious occurred. But that's how it's supposed to remain. For the moment. You believed you had most of it under control. Since nobody else knew your own intentions.

You didn't view Rintaro's revealed truth as something that you felt the need to confront right away. Instead, it earned you a reason to engage in a disguised battle.

After the night with Akaashi, he begged himself not to fuck you. It was decided to let that wait into a time that fit perfectly. At that moment he thought your mind was most likely running through many thoughts. And it was. But he thought that it was distracting thoughts, like if you weren't aware of what you were doing. So he didn't want to engage in it just so you could, later on, regret it.

But it didn't mean you two weren't speaking on the low, for the time being.

Meanwhile, the relationship between you and Suna remained the same. You continued going out on several dates with him, he constantly bought you gifts and showed you all the affection in the world. Both often still see each other since he sometimes finds himself unsatisfied without your presence. And today was one of the many days you two were spending time together.

But It just didn't feel the same, it isn't the same.

There have been a few times where you caught the both of you telling each other things that were completely false too. Whether it was dishonesty about where you were heading, who you were texting, and things along the lines of that. It was foolish to you though because he never caught on to it. It's either he didn't put any mind to it or he notices and doesn't prefer to show he does. So it made you think he could possibly be planning something as well.

You didn't want to think about it too much. It would just stress you out.

"Thank you," You slightly sang, thanking Jackie for giving you the homework answers. You promised yourself you would begin to get strict on yourself again on completing your work instead of procrastinating all the time.

"No probs, hey, Evolet just texted me asking if you want to go out to eat with her? We should all go, I miss eating out with you guys." She leaned her back on the locker as she watched you throw in a few books you weren't going to use.

"Fuck." You froze. You turned your head to look at Suna. He was waiting for you along with his friends right down the hall. "I was supposed to hang out with Rin today." You sighed.

"Hmm," Jackie hummed, accepting that you weren't available to go out with her and Evolet. "It's cool." She nodded. "How's everything with him and stuff?"

You responded with a short explanation about the situation that she's able to understand. At this point, you and Jackie have grown much closer after that day she had helped you with her stalking skills. You didn't mind though because it felt just like older times when you two were super close. In other words, you truly missed those times too.

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