The Love Formula pt. 1

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It was a normal autumn day at school. The two friends, Alexander and Sawyer were seen walking out of classroom 39. Wide smiles were plastered on their faces and it seemed to look like they just run a marathon with all the sweat slowly sliding down their temples and glistening in the sun's rays. They both had some spark in their eyes and everybody who noticed were suspicious.

"What the hell just happened in there?" asked a girl with short, black hair and glasses.


"So Alexander, are you staying after school today?" asked Sawyer, looking at his friend from the corner of his eye.

"Yeah, I just texted my mom and she's ok with it." Alex responded, gathering all his supplies from his desk.

"Cool..." the more tan of the two spoke with a smile

"Why you asking?" Alexander questioned, lifting his right eyebrow

"Because nobody stays after school on Fridays, only choir students do." Sawyer proclaimed while handing Alex his led pencil, a bit of blush marking his cheeks.

"Oh, ok" the taller of the two got up and headed to room 39 with his companion.

The boys walked down the hall without a word but they're eyes spoke aloud. For some reason Alexander couldn't look away from Sawyer, he stared at his lips.

When it came to Sawyer, he went all out and gazed directly to his down stairs area. His heart beating impatiently, little by little he was getting turned on.

'God damn it Sawyer! Snap out of it" he thought to himself while bitting the inside of his cheek.

Finally when they arrived to their after school math room, they saw their teacher, Mr. Williams packing up his stuff.

"Hey Mr. W, what are you doing?" asked Alex, seeing his teacher leaving.

"Alexander. Sawyer. I have meeting right now and I have no idea how long it'll take till its over" Mr. Williams explained "I trust you two alone in this classroom, you can work on the calculus worksheets while I'm gone"

And with that, the teacher disappeared. Alex grabbed the papers and gave one to his friend.

"Lets get started shall we?" Sawyer secretly winked at him, grasping the paper.

"We shall" Alex played along even though his heart began to race.

Both of them sat down next to each other and took out their writing utensils.

"Dang it, I ran out of led. Do you have any Sawyer?" he asked

"I think so" Sawyer responded with a shake of his pencil, hearing the led crash inside. "Here you go"

And right at that moment Alexander saw how sexy Sawyer looked when he was being so kind. All he could think about was his best friend. With his unknown feelings lingering in his heart, Alexander went right ahead and placed his fingers on Sawyers thigh.

"Alex...." Sawyer didn't know how to react to this situation, but he did notice his friends face turning 50 shades of red.

"I-I can explain-"

Sawyer rapidly grabbed the back of Alex's head and yanked it towards his lips. Their kiss was passionate and smooth, both of their hearts exploded to the sensation of each other's fine touch. What more could they wish for.

Alexander began to rubbed his thigh fast when their make-out session deepened. Sawyer licked the bottom of the other boys lower lip, pleading for an entrance. Which Alex obeyed, he opened his mouth slightly but Sawyer forcefully shot his slimy tongue into his mouth, making him gasp sharply. But through his hormonal instinct, Alex fought back the monster in his mouth with his own, their tongues wrestled back and forth, exchanging the moist saliva.

Suddenly, Sawyer amassed all his strength and picked up Alexander by the legs, laying him flatly on the desk. His pants grew tight when he saw his friend so vulnerable and heated, right there waiting for him.

"I'd like to plug my solution into your equation" Sawyer began to talk nerdy,dirty to him

"Honey, you're sweeter than pi" Alexander went along with his way of words

Hastily, Sawyer ripped the button off the high schoolers pants

"Let us begin" Sawyer smirked at Alex and dipped down.



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