Daily life as a soul farmer.

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Ana: hey you goof ball over here 

Adonis: yeah what? some more dank stuff  to collect or just the usual.

Ana: hmm you could say the usual but I prefer the special kinds of usual.

Adonis: ahh man don't come near me.

Ana: ahh come on i just wanna see what your doing. and give all of THAT FLUFF from this basket

Adonis: nooooooooooo.

Narrator: As both Ana and Adonis flow in the wind farming and just playing around like nothing else in the world to some extent.

Sophos: YOOOO 

Narrator: all of a sudden an strong old man comes in and holds up Adonis in the feet.

Sophos: ahh what did I told you about flirting with my daughter, hmmm.

Adonis. : Ehh im not sure go ask the magnet over there . gulp

Sophos: HMM, playful choice  of words. well suppers almost done after you finish your work. Well have a fine feast. as of which.

ANA: pfft Adonis over here I want to tell you something. 

Adonis: lol what

Ana: I hear there's a carnival happening at the center hall of the village you wanna come.

Adonis: nah there's nothing there I would want tbh. Plus I gotta train what my pops was telling about defending my self. like using those cool techniques my pops taught me awhile back.

Ana: Oh really like waving a stupid stick like there's imaginary  things like a Rawer panda monster.

Adonis: Its not a stick its my personal sword i sue to train my  prowess that i learned like a boss.

Ana: oh well then your gonna miss all of the cool prizes me and my friends have including a total secret sword you night want .

Narrator: Ana give a playful look to test to see if she lured Adonis and it works.

Adonis: wait what you don't mean....... alright I'm in.

Ana: awesome meet me at the center point of the village there we can play some games.

Narrator: after Adonis, Ana and Sophos eat their food, both Ana and Adonis run towards the  center point and are just in time to play the games to get the sword that Ana was giving hints about,

Carnival Game master: and behold the final prize if any one of you can out class this duelist of a swordsman  in a wooden sword combat, then this prize shall be yours to keep. 

Adonis: bruh i got this by the knee i can do this.

Ana: told you your gonna like it, i know you to well.

Narrator: Adonis then comes to the stage to duel against the cool and calm dulest swordsman.

Duelist: came at me all you got you man of terra.

Adonis: don't mind i do.

Hence the duel begins, both players then emit strong auras like no other.

Adonis: alright here i go.

Hench the duel begins.

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