Chapter 1

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My name is Isabella Marie McCarty, but I prefer to be called Bella. For the past 77 years after being attacked and turned by one when I was 18 year old. Before that I lived in Tennessee with my older brother, Emmett. He was killed by a bear while hunting a year year prior at the age of 20. I ended up moving to Texas a month later not wanting to be reminded of him all the time.

"Bella, come on or we are going to miss our plane." I hear my coven mate, Charlotte, call from downstairs as I gather up my bags.

I meet Charlotte and her mate, Peter, almost a year after I was changed. They sort of took under their wing and taught me about being a vampire. As time has gone they have become like family to me. Today we are moving to Forks, Washington from Denali, Alaska. For the past few months we have been staying with the Denali Coven. It's made up of five vegetarian vampires, sisters Kate, Tanya, and Irina, and mated Carmen and Eleazar. I am also a vegetarian vampire while Peter and Char fed on humans, but not innocent people or kids.

"We are not going to miss our plane with Peter's driving." I tell her reaching the bottom of the stairs.

"Call us when you get settled and we will come visit you at some point." Tanya says.

"I promise that one of us will."

With that Peter, Char and me head to the airport.


On the plane ride I think of Emmett while staring out the window at the night sky. I fiddle the the locket I never take off for anything as it was the last gift Emmett ever gave me. It has'Bella Bear & Emmy Bear' engraved on the front while on the back it says 'Love you always little sis'."

"We will be landing shortly, so if you would please put on your seatbelts." The pilot says.

After we landed and got our bags, we went to get my car that we had sent here so I had away to get back and forth to school. I'm not looking forward to it, but it's easier than trying to pass for older. It also means we can be here for a few years. I stare out the window at the passing greenery as Peter drives to where we will be living. Our house is a simple two story house with a covered porch.

"I am going to go hunt because I start school, again, tomorrow."I say running out the back door.

As I finish the grizzly bear I caught I catch the scent of a vampire close by. Instead of heading back to the house I decide to follow the scent. According to Tanya another coven of animal drinkers lived in this town decades ago. As the scent gets stronger I notice a girl with short spiky black hair. When she turns around I can see that her eyes are amber showing that she is an animal drinker. Not wanting to talk to the unknown vampire I turn around and head back to the house.

"Peter? Charlotte?" I say as I walk through the door knowing they can me wherever they are on the house.

"Yes?" Peter asks as I walk into the living room.

"There is another vampire in Forks." I tell them sitting on the arm of the couch, "She an animal drinker if her eyes are anything to go by."

"Did she by chance follow you back here?" Peter asks standing up from the couch.

I watch as he paces the living room a little before walking over to the front door. He opens it before I reply revealing the vampire I saw about to knock. After a beat he lets her into the house.

"Who are you?" Peter asks the unknown vampire.

"Alice Cullen." She replies, "I am part of the Cullen Coven."

"As in Carlisle Cullen?" Charlotte asks, "By the way my name is Charlotte. That idiot is my mate, Peter, and this is our coven mate Bella."

"Nice to meet you all. To answer your question, yes. Carlisle is the leader. There are seven of us in total.

Peter and Charlotte look at each other real quick. What do they know that I do not? Thinking back to what Tanya told me I can deduce that the Cullen Coven is the one that lived here decades ago. I may be wrong, but not many vampires drink animal blood.

"Would you like to meet the rest of my coven?" Alice asks at a minute of no one talking.

"Sure." I say before Peter could answer.

"Do you want them to come here or we could go to my house?" Alice asks.

"How about a clearing instead so it's neutral ground." Peter replies.

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