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You were in your car on the way to a Halloween party zack was hosting

you soon arrived at his house you got out of your car and made your way inside

After awhile you were hanging out with Teo but suddenly you became really thirsty

"Babe do you know where the kitchen is?" You ask him because you've never been to zack's house before

"Uh's down the hall to the left" he informs you pointing his finger where to go

"Thank you" you say as you make your way down the hall

You walk into the kitchen and grab a red plastic cup from the counter

you look at the other side of the counter and see all the different types of drink options they were all alcohol

You let out a long sigh as you grab the bottle tequila you weren't planning on drinking tonight but there was no other option

You pour the tequila in the red cup and walk back to Teo but as you were walking towards him someone stopped you

"I don't think I've seen you before...
are you one of my brothers friends?" A tall curly haired brunette asks you

"Uh yeah sort of" you respond

"cool...I'm aiden zack's brother" he
introduces himself

"I'm y/n" you replied putting the red cup up to your lips and taking a sip

"What are you drinking?" He asks as you put the cup down

"Tequila" you say as you placed the cup on the table next to you

He chuckles "so..what are you supposed to be? A mop?" he joked

You roll your eyes "Im a 1920s flapper" you say looking down at your costume

You look at his costume it was just blood dripping down from his mouth with pointy fake teeth

"I'm guessing you're a vampire" you ask

"Yup.." he started talking more about his costume

but you got distracted by Teo he was across the room angry glaring at you guys you started to feel kinda guilty

You turn back to aiden "I'm so sorry I need to go" you say in a rush

"No worries it's okay" he replies

You walk towards teo but he just rolls his eyes from seeing you walk up to him

"What's wrong?" You ask him

He ignores you and turns away from you and starts to walk away

"teo?" You ask as you follow him outside it was heavy raining

"Hello teo?" You ask worried

he stops walking and turns around to face you "WHAT!" He snapped

"Why are you so mad?" You ask him

"Because you were flirting with aiden" he hissed

"I wasn't flirting with him we were just talking" you respond

He rolls his eyes "sure you were..did you see the way he was looking at you?" He asks angrily

You became confused was he jealous? "He wasn't looking at me any sort way" you say

"Oh please y/n he was clearly into you" he says annoyed

"Well I'm sorry I didn't notice" you apologizes

He shakes his head "it's okay y/n it's just that..." he says walking closer to you

he looks you in your eyes and moves your soaking h/c hair away from your eyes "You're mine.." he says as he cups your wet face and brings you into a kiss

You kiss back as you move one of your hands to his face and the other on his shoulder it was a rough but passionate kiss

605 words

sorry this is low key kinda bad
I was in a rush lol

Teo Briones one shots Where stories live. Discover now