Chapter One: The Big Day

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Shout-out to @PrinceKenzie for making this beautifully awesome cover for the story ;)

Chapter One

I started to feel a cold sweat coming on as I drummed my fingers against the side of the chair. "Is he here yet," I asked anxiously. The look on Drew's face told me he wasn't. "Of course he is, Annabell? What do you take him for, a pushover?" Drew laughed nervously and quickly walked back out into the lobby of the church. Was it normal to think about negative things before your wedding? What if he's standing me up? Leaving me at the altar? Don't be an idiot, Annabell! He couldn't even take a shower without you, so why would he be able to stand you up at the altar?

I suddenly heard the heavy church doors opening and then heard Drew screaming, "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? YOU ARE SO LATE, MISTER! YOUR WIFE AND I HAVE BEEN WORRIED SICK..."

I stopped listening. Derek was fifteen minutes late and I wasn't sure whether to be mad or to be worried that something happened. For all I know, there could've been heavier traffic than usual on the Kennedy or something of that sort. We had agreed to stay in separate places the whole week before the wedding. It was quite romantic, really. I stayed at the house and Derek stayed at the motel a couple of blocks away. I wanted to be angry, but I couldn't. He would never be late to our very own wedding on purpose.

I suddenly heard the violins start to play, and I felt chills roll down my spine like fog rolling out of a machine. I got up and walked across the rough carpet, looking into the mirror. Brides see themselves a little differently on their wedding day; brides see themselves living a nice long life with the love of their life that they are literally going to exchange vows with in a few minutes. Brides think to themselves, "I look hot, and I'm ready to go!" I should've thought these things immediately, but I didn't. I saw myself in that mirror, and I didn't think of anything. I came to a blank as I saw myself, as beautiful as I will ever be, in the mirror.

"It's time to go on, darling! Show time!" Drew said excitedly, scaring me half to death. I laughed, and any ounce of nervousness was instantly washed away. I removed the now soaking hand towels out from my underarms and slipped on my sparkly silver shoes. I don't think I could've ever felt more euphoric in my life.

Since both my parents and Derek's father were dead, Drew walked me down the aisle. The big wooden doors opened, and all of the congregation's eyes turned to me, my veil in front of my face. I saw Derek's knees start to buckle as he started to tear up, but he caught himself before he fell. He had the biggest grin I ever saw on his face, and I started to tear up as well.

Left, right, left, right. My heart was already up at the altar, but my feet were walking as they were rehearsed. Left, right. Five more steps. Left, right. Three more steps. Left, right. One.

I stood in front of Derek, tears rolling down both of our faces. He took my hands in his own, and never let go. "I would've been here sooner, bella, but there was a bad accident on the Dan Ryan. I had to drive on the shoulder to get here."

I knew it.

"It doesn't make me love you any less, Derek. I figured something like that had happened," I said. His eyes shone like diamonds. The priest droned on and on, but the way that we stared into each other's eyes made it seem like not as long. It made me want to bring him close, the way that he rubbed little circles on the inside of my hand. It was finally time to exchange our vows. This is it; everything is falling into place.

Derek went first. "Annabell, there's no possible way that I can tell you how much I love you," [I imagined Derek as Oprah here, giving me a new car] "in words. I need you like a fish needs water, and I love you like Winnie the Pooh loves his honey; you're my honey. I couldn't imagine my life without you, Annabell. I'm not even sure if I would even be the man I am today without you. We've been through thick and thin but I loved every last minute of it because I was with you. I want to spend the rest of my life you, whether it be only holding you close or ball room dancing. We know so much about each other that I think it's impossible not to want to be with each other forever. You'll never know exactly how much of my heart I love you with, because there's not a percentage for infinity."

The tears were rolling through my entire body and down my face. I love him so much, and I could never forget such an amazing vow. I'll hold onto it forever. I wish I would've said something graceful, but what came out of my mouth was absolutely not graceful whatsoever. "Well, now you've ruined my makeup," I said, laughing along with the congregation and Derek ( thank God Derek was laughing too ).

I felt like my vow could never be as awesome as that was, but I gave it a shot.

"Derek, my love. I love you immensely and always. You've been the best friend I could ever have, and the best man in my life. There's no one else I would rather spend my life with. I crave the feel of your lips, and the sensation of your touch when you hold me close. It's another heaven on Earth. We've gone through rough patches, which have always made our relationship stronger. I have no doubt that eternity won't be long enough for us. Spending the rest of my life with you is something that I'll look forward to every single day of my life, and I can guarantee you that both you and I will never regret it."

I never thought my words would make him cry; I think I'm the most unsentimental person there is, yet tears made their way down his face. I'm going to skip all the nonsense that the priest says about love and skip right to the good stuff.

"You may now kiss the bride," the priest said.

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