The beginning of it all

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"In the frat house of Chadville, we only have 4 rules. #1) you must respect people. #2) you must have sex at least once a week, (if you can). #3) you must bow down to the ultimate chad, chadler, He is the one who gets all the bitches. And finally #4) if you can't cook at least once a week for the bros, you're dead meat. We will turn you into beef Wellington. Chadler, the ultimate chad, he is the one who made Chadville, he is the only reason why we are here. In Chadville, we intend to make everyone here feel inclusive, and respected. Chadville has many people in it like, Milo , who is the one who gets all the bitches. While Wren is in a relationship but still gets it on /j. And Me, Neo, I'm the President of chadville. So, now that you learned about Chadville... we need to know a bit about you before you join, so let's start off with the basics, your preferred name, your age, your gender, and your pronouns."
"Ok, we'll my name is Cin, it's pronounced like sin. I'm 18. I'm Female, and my pronouns are She/Her." I say with slight confidence.
"That's great to hear! We don't want to offend you or make you uncomfortable, if you were to join, so we take extra precautions. Now, I only have one more question before we continue." Neo says turning to you.
"And what would that be?"
"Are you ready to meet the others?"

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