19: Tommy

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I headed downstairs with sleep still in my eyes to go to the bathroom. To my surprise, the couch was empty. Phil wasn't here? Where had he gone? I saw something on the counter. Maybe a note from Phil? I walked up to the counter to see three letters. I opened the one addressed to me and read it.

Time froze.

He wasn't doing what I thought he was, right? If I went upstairs, I'd see him resting peacefully in his bed, wouldn't I? I rushed upstairs and threw his door open. He was nowhere to be seen.

"Wilbur!" I screamed, barging into his room and turning on his light.

"What the hell Tommy- do you know what time it is?!"

"Wilbur, look!"

He sat up and read the note I handed him.

"W-what? That's not funny, Tommy! Don't joke like that!"

He looked at me, panicked.

"You are joking, right?"

I only shook my head, unable to find the words to describe the situation.

"Oh Tommy!" He stood up and grabbed his phone, dialing Phil's number. He must've picked up, because Wil started practically screaming into the phone.

"What the hell is going on?!"


"What do you mean?"




"Oh my God..."


"Okay... okay. Yes. I will."


"Mhm. Bye..."

He hung up and looked at me, shaking his head.

"Is it bad?"

"Really bad..."

"What do we do?!"

"Phil said to come to the hospital. It's not far, we could take our bikes."

I nodded, and ran downstairs, grabbing my bike and wasting no time in starting off towards the hospital.

"Don't worry... it's fine, I'm sure of it! It'll all be fine!" I whispered to myself. Everything would work out in the end.


Wilbur and I rushed into the hospital waiting room where we were meant to meet Phil. He was crying quietly and didn't pay us much mind.

"I can't believe it..." He whispered.

"Is he alive?"

Phil just shook his head.

I remember that after that I screamed and hugged Phil, but it didn't really feel like me doing it. I felt so distanced from it all, like I was watching someone else mourn. I couldn't believe that my big brother had just died, and there was nothing I could do about it. I would never hug him again. Never talk to him. Never laugh with him. He was gone. What was I going to do without him? How could I go on?

I needed him, goddamnit! How could he leave me all alone like this?! How could he be so selfish?! He should've stayed! He should've been there for us! Why did he do this? It's not fair!

I felt so blinded by my anger. I blamed Techno for everything. I was so unbelievably mad at him. I didn't understand how he could do such a thing. Maybe I never will. Maybe that's the point of it all.

Maybe the point is to show me what will happen if I don't get help myself. I would end up just like Techno. I didn't want that.


He looked down at me.

"I want to get help."

He smiled weakly.

"I know."

We started making arrangements for treatment straight away. I absolutely couldn't wait any longer. I had to do this, if not for me, for Techno. For Wil. They deserved that much.

I was going to do what Techno bad lost the opportunity to do.

I was going to be happy.

At least, I hoped so.

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