Be Our Guest

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The kitchen was full. Polly and Anette were at the table covered in flour and handling dough whispering to each other in hushed tones. Anette's two girls were scrubbing dishes and the dog was sitting beside the girls begging for scraps to be thrown his way. When Vanderwall entered the kitchen all of the chaos seemed to come to a halt and everyone turned to him for news.

He avoided their eyes and went to the counter collecting a dish from the cupboard and filling it with bread and cheese.

"She is hungry?" Polly asked.

"I can only assume. She has been through a lot in the last few hours." He said. He busied himself with filling a pitcher of water. Perhaps if he brought offering of food, the woman would accept his help.

He grabbed the small case of medical supplies that they had kept in the kitchen in case of emergencies and Polly pounced on him.

"She is injured?!" Vandy sighed deeply. He did not need Polly bringing the castle down on top of itself before either of them understood why the beast took her in the first place. This was going to require tact and Polly was not famous for her tact.

"She is pretty." Vandy said, distracting Polly. "and she did not even flinch when she saw me."

"There must be something wrong with her because you are as gruesome as ever." she said, moving from her work and walking over to him, dusting off her apron.

"You will need help carrying all that down to the dungeon." Polly said.

"I can manage it." Vandy said, gathering up the water pitcher and the supplies. Polly grabbed the dish before he could take it himself.

"Nonsense dear. It will be no trouble for me." Polly said. Vandy just shook his head, there was never any point in arguing with Polly. She could boss around an oak tree.

"There is no point in bringing any of this. She does not want our help." Vandy said.

"No, she does not want your help. Some things require a woman's touch."


Belle had started to drift asleep when she heard footsteps approaching. Her muscles tensed and she became apprehensive all over again. She sat up, ready to face whatever was coming through the door.

"Hello!" A woman's voice greeted her first. The King Beast spoke in a deep monstrous growl. Vandy's voice was nearly human and now this woman's voice could easily pass as human.

"I have brought a friend. I hope that is alright" It was Vanderwall.

There were two of them. They both stood at the door making Belle feel uncomfortable. Here she was, on display for whomever wanted to waltz in.

"This is Polly, she insisted on coming along because-" Vanderwall trailed off letting Polly finish his sentence.

"Well, obviously I am here because you boys cannot ever think anything through. You thought to bring food but you did not even bother to bring a simple set of linen for that horrible mattress or even a chamber pot?"

"linens are not exactly a priority."

"Well, yes of course, but you have the whole staff at your disposal. You could have easily sent- oh, I am not even going to bother with you. It is rude to argue in front of guests." She informed him pointedly.

Belle did not know how to react to their back and forth.

"Argue in front of guests?! I am not the one who-" He got cut off suddenly by Polly.

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