Chapter 8

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Seizing a step past the broad threshold, he wanders his gaze onto her form. Her hair cascaded, her back solely facing him. She didn't respond to the noise he made when we walks in, which disturbed the stillness and placidity of her surrounding. She sat there in silence as if the moment he penetrated the room was nonexistent. It was unusual if you were to ask Manjiro, it was determined to be stated that Y/n would be, by now, welcoming him with a hug and swarming his face with ephemeral, numerous kisses. But she didn't. And it's aghast him-- faintly to be confessed.

Striding towards her with steps so sluggish, almost matching to that pace of a snail, the vague sound of her stagnant breathing was evident and it wouldn't bring a nanosecond for Manjiro to learn the symphony thoroughly. Halting by her side and looking at her, with a comfortable distance serving as a barricade separating him from ever touching her, his spheres watch her in utter amusement stare at nothingness.

Her eyes were empty-- not that her socket was in a stark void of eyeballs nor does she lose her vision, it was simply explained that the spark placed to shine continually before...lost its light. Her irises were barren of life. To be nearly compared to someone who relinquishes the will to continue living within the unsparing world.

Severing the gaze he willingly placed on her motionless form, Manjiro discreetly roams his sights on her belonging that was neatly placed upon the plush mattress. Her belonging was recent and free of smudge. Similar to something that hasn't been touched by anyone.

His heart was pacing genuine happiness, though the unnerving sensation remains. She was safe, he couldn't wish for anything else. Yet, why does he feel slight twinges caressing his soul?

Nevertheless...he ignored it.

Shrugging the bothering, unsettling sensation that continues to lurk, Manjiro curled his pale lips upwards into a joyous smile, painting his facial thoroughly with utmost heaven. He crept slowly behind his unmoving wife who has her hands placed limp on her laps before wrapping his arms by her waist. His jaw rested upon her shoulder as he occupied himself accepting the subtle scent of her to embark his nostrils.

He was elated to finally engulf his wife into an embrace.

"You're back."

𝐍𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐁𝐀𝐓𝐀  Manjiro SanoWhere stories live. Discover now