Chapter 21

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"Their happy ending was hard but not impossible"

Jimin closed his eyes whispering Halsey's name as a glowy white door appeared in front of them. He walked towards it holding taehyung, he glimpses back at Maeve's body which was slowly moving, if he walked out of here without finishing his job she will come back to hurt his taehyung again he has to finish the suffering of them and hers too, after all, it wasn't all her fault

He let go of taehyungs hand walking back to where taehyung was chained he picks up the dagger from the ground he took baby steps towards her as he kneeled down beside her raising his dagger he dug it right in her chest she let out a loud scream in pain that replaced with a smile "i-im sorry" she struggled to say as her body started vanishing slowly

Jimin nods his head approving her apology being a good soul he was, "t-tell taehyung I l-loved him and I'm sorry" she whispered in whimpers jimin cupped her face feeling sympathetic towards her knowing she was the reason for their suffering but what can he do when he was jimin made to love everyone help everyone, kind and loving soul in a cruel world, taehyung wasn't lying when he said jimin is an angel "g-go jimin be-fore it's too late"

He nods his head as the whole forest started shaking he run towards the door taehyung walked out of which was about to disappear but jimin made it on time and the door vanished away with Maeve's body.

Jimin opened his eyes sitting up sucking air in his lungs filling every corner of it, panicked taehyung stared at him and runs at him crashing his body into jimin's making him fall back crying resting his chin on his shoulder jimin wrapped his arms around taehyung smiling sweetly feeling his heart full and at ease

Halsey chuckled whipping her tears looking at the lovers who fought the whole universe to be happy in each other's arms "let him breathe taehyung" she pats his back and he quickly stood up from jimin and helped him to stand too they both sat down on the couch embracing each other again whispering as taehyung whispered sweet words into jimin's ear as he confessed his undying love for him

they stayed like that for some moments, before jimin broke the hug "we should g-go home" jimin suggests as taehyung nods, they both stood up from the couch and jimin approached Halsey and embraces her "thank you so much you saved our lives and everything" Halsey smiled and pats his back "I'm sorry for helping your idiotic boyfriend" jimin chuckled with a nod of his head "it's fine"

"Is Felix still here?" Jimin asked Halsey and she shook her head "he left... he couldn't watch taehyung crying for you again" jimin sighed "if you meet him tell him I'm very thankful for him for bringing me here" "I will" they said their goodbyes after taehyung thanked Halsey too

jimin helps taehyung to get in the car because he still felt weak in his legs after a long period of not moving his body, taehyung wipes the tears stains on jimin's cheeks with his thumb as he traveled it down slowly tracing the shape of jimin's lips "This is the last time we're crying for each other" he whispered

"You promise?" Jimin asked back in a low whisper taehyung nodded his head before leaning and exchanging his thumb with his lips on jimin's cherry lips Halsey watches from the window smiling thinking about her past lover that she left behind just like taehyung to save their life from the gift she had as the pair droved off


Currently, they both are laying in taehyung's bed, taehyung was laying on jimin's chest hugging his waist tangling his legs into jimin's as he plays with his curly locks "The thought...of you forgetting me broke me like I never imagined, and now when I have you back it felt so good and I don't want to lose that" taehyung spoke breaking the peaceful silent between them

Jimin stared down at him "I don't want to waste any more time..... be mine jimin-ah for forever" taehyung cups jimin's face brushing his hairs back "marry me Park jimin" jimin's breath stuck in his throat he couldn't believe the words that came out of taehyung's mouth "I planned a lot of things for this moment to make it more special but I know now all plannings will go in vain when you don't have time"

"Marry me so no one can tear us apart not even us" jimin wanted to say a lot but nothing was coming out of his mouth he dreamed of this moment every day and now when it comes to reality he couldn't find words to say so he nods his head with teary eyes "yess" he whispered hugging taehyung

"I missed this so much, I missed you so much" he looks up tilting his head as jimin pecks his lips "I missed you too" and the moment clicked in both of their hearts like the last piece of a puzzle

"You know what else I missed?" Taehyung rests his weight on his hands that he puts on Jimin's sideways caging him in between them, jimin puts his hands on taehyung's shoulders as he leaned capturing jimin lips in a sloppy kiss that didn't last more than a couple seconds "the taste of your rosy lips and...."

"The stars on your cheeks" he traces the freckles on jimin's cheeks making them turn the gorgeous shade of pink "your moon eyes staring at me with full of love" he plants a feather kisses on both of his eyes as Jimin shuts them feeling taehyung's soft lips brushing against his long lashes

He tilted his head down sucking onto jimin's neck "the mole on your neck..." Jimin let out a breathy moan when taehyung takes the soft flesh of jimin's neck in-between his teeth biting "and the sweet sounds you make..." jimin throws his head back in pleasure as taehyung licks the stripe traveling his wet tongue from his neck to his jaw

Taehyung travel his hands down on jimin's body and gives a little squeeze to his waist "the curves of your body and the way they fit so good in my hands" goosebumps appeared on jimin's skin when taehyung's hand slipped under his shirt roaming freely around his chest, "I missed every inch of you jimin-ah" taehyung whispered huskily his eyes sink in the ocean of lust and love for the little boy under him

Jimin held taehyung's hand when it went for his zipper "do you know what I missed?" Jimin added in a whisper "the way you whine like a baby when I stopped you going south" taehyung knotted his brows in confusion and jimin pushed him with full force making him fall on the side as he slipped out of the bed

"Whyyyy?" Taehyung whines as he stormed his feet kicking the sheets "because you need to rest" jimin said walking to the washroom "I'm completely fine jiminie" taehyung punched the pillow when jimin ignored him and went into the washroom he sighed and hugged the same pillow turning to his side laying on the edge of the bed leaving a lot of space to show jimin he's mad at him

Jimin peeked at him from the washroom door he shook his head smiling at his big baby bear, he turned around his eyes widened when he looked in the mirror he read the note that was written on the mirror with the soap "you both are very cringe I felt like throwing up -Felix" his lips formed in a smile after reading it "Felix are you still here?"

He took the toilet paper and quickly wiped the mirror "yes" jimin sighed in relief "you left early I don't even get time to thank you" jimin said looking in the mirror it was odd he couldn't see Felix maybe because of taehyung's soul is free and being taehyung's soulmate his soul is free too "I could see ghosts in the mirror before" he thinks to himself

"You don't have to thank me, you saved him and yourself" "no we couldn't do it without you, my dumb self was relying on doctor's lies till you show me the path," he said wiping the mirror again "I just want you to know we are both here for you" "I know" jimin smiled sweetly

"Can you do me a favor?" "Of course" jimin replied staring into the mirror, although he couldn't see anyone he was staring at the spot where the said boy has been writing on. he sees the latter writing so he waits "I left two letters in your drawer one is for you both and the other is for hyunjin can you give it to him?"

"Of course, I will" jimin replied looking in the mirror where Felix was writing further "and don't read it yet, read it on your wedding day" "even tho I will die in curiosity but still I will read it on my wedding day," he said as a blush crept in his cheeks thinking about the most special day of his life "congratulations I'm so happy for you both"

Jimin smiles sheepishly "thank you" he waits but the letter didn't write anything "are you gone, Felix?" He asked and still, nothing came back so he nodded his head and went in the shower he couldn't wait for the day to come when they finally claim each other to be theirs and get their happy ending.

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