Chapter 1

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She looked down the snow covered dirt road hoping that someone would ride by soon but also seeing that there weren't any fresh tracks there. She shivered as the icy and somehow bitter wind scraped by her already frozen cheeks, she was reminded again of how much she hated the cold. The fur coat did little for the winter and she knew she'd need to find shelter soon, after all night came quickly and the nights were too long and much colder. She sighed and took a step onto the road. Walking on the road was better than in the snow, even with the slug of mixed half melted snow and dirt. Her leather boots squished as she took another step reminding her of the stream she was forced to cross not long ago. She had though the ice was strong enough but it didn't hold up her weight like she had hoped, giving way and letting her foot fall into the water. Thankfully she was quick enough and close enough to throw herself until the bank and caused her to roll in the snow, not fun but better than being completely soaked. She cursed at herself feeling like an idiot for not being more careful and hoping she wouldn't lose any toes. If she didn't find shelter she'd at least have to build a fire, but fire was a problem out in the open. You never know what was attracted by the heat and smoke, and more than likely it wasn't pleasant. The walk was quiet as she tried to avoid the tree line and the possibility that there were eyes watching her that she couldn't return the favor to.

After a while she looked at the sky to find the sun was already trying to touch the horizon, she hadn't hit any villages or people and had nowhere to go. She debated going into the trees in hopes of a cave but decided against it because she didn't know the landscape or if she was near any, and finding one blind could be a lot of wasted time. She opted to start building a small shelter at the edge of the trees, close enough to be able to see anyone coming but also far enough away that they hopefully couldn't see her unless they were really paying attention. When she was content with the stick shelter up against a big oak tree, she pulled off a small bow and handful of arrows from under coat and went to find some food.

She loaded one of the arrows spotting a rabbit close by, she stood very still looking at the beautiful pure white fur and wondering if she could later trade the fur for food or shelter or other important things she might need. As she aimed the perfect shot a slightly larger black rabbit hopped to join the white one, the two looked at each in some kind of silent conversation. Lovers? She wondered to herself. Love=pain. She loaded a second arrow with the first, and released. The arrows hit on their separate marks with a quick and almost silent thud. "At least they died together and won't have to wonder what happened to the other." she said sadly to herself. She then jutted and skinned them both putting their furs in a small satchel that hung on her hip. She made jurky of their meats no longer being able to tell the difference between the two. She ate and wrapped up the remaining meat, putting it into a bag as well. Then snuffed out the fire just as the sun did it's last waves of light to the world. She watched from her shelter as the sky got darker and darker, spotting itself with the stars slowly. "I should sleep, there's no telling how much longer I'll be on the road." she thought of the road so far, the month of travel, hiding and trying to get somewhere far far away. And as she thought her fingers gripped around the handle of the knife tighter, until her knuckles went white.

As if hearing her thoughts the bushes across from her started to russell. As held her breath as a grey wolf stepped out and looked her dead in the eye. "Beautiful" she breathed out on accident then blushed a bit for letting her guard down but how could she not, after all there was far scarier the woods. The wolf with it's bright almost glowing eyes sniffed in her direction. "You probably smell my rabbit" she whispered and dug into her bag, quickly grabbing a bigger piece and throwing it to the wolf's paws. The wolf jumped back at first and looked like it was going to run, but sniffed and looked at the meat, it's mouth clearly watering despite the darkness. The wolf looked at her almost like it was waiting for her to change her mind, then in one quick motion, picked up the meat and ran back the way it had come. When she realized that it wasn't coming back for better or for worse, she settled into her shelter and closed her eyes. 

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