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Above the sky they fell and with their cows as well.Hail the tale of a Lion  who fought hell not to loose his Den.
                                                                     Ntaa supa Nkopang


A thousand swarths ago, came a strong wind ,wafted stealthy  the Mukutani plains as it slightly swayed feeble  trees side to side.The full Moon was shone, illuminating  the lake's smooth body which was as calm.Crocodiles underneath speculated  early supper, gnashing the stupor fish viciously vanishing them away  in  bubbles.The hypebeasts of the waters ,  their fat  counterparts, hippos  were having enough monotony of  bathing daylong  the warmwaters and had the quest to fulfill their pasture desires.
A young night  was as  doves cood continuously and not too far to the northern grazing fields was a big bonfire ignited by Lentupuru and his fellow moran warriors who were guarding over their family's Cattle in temporary cow pens called alee.That day they arranged a small  feast brought forth by an  ill calf slaughtered from its arrising agonies. Lentupuru the fierce Moran was Surveying the terrain, bravely holding his two spears and iloongo shield close to his chest and as the saying would go emedia mpere oo lmarn translated to Warriors and spears do not conflict.He let the morans prepare the veil as he transpired to ensure security was tight.Lentupuru was a real giant,his footprint unequivocally compared to another's. and titanic hands  protruding significantly.Rough curvy muscles and scars could easily confirm that he was a real ilchamus warrior as a Moran holding no scar was considered meek and weak.Tonight he stood filled with courage his head fixed to the sky  translating the weather pattern predictions according to laker stars indications.He looked beneath his kinyera,traditional rubber made shoes, felt a burning sensation.Just then  a strong foreign power hit and filled his flesh,he squinted his eyes and let out a loud growl.Power overtook him almost dropping the iloongo. His martas ran towards him but he provoked them away with a bark."I am ok,go watch over the meat it's burning." His utterance was final,they heeded immediately resorting back to their duty.He watched them go back,experiencing a blurred vision and echoed sounds. This were  danger insticts he knew but they had never occured so strong  before.What could be? he was left in a  puzzle,whizzing  heavily as his heart started poundind thunderously.

A bout three hills away was a sleeping  beast that had been aroused with the aromatic scent of beef.A lion,a large built lion.He signalled to it's three lionesses.Ofcourse the King was not going to go for a tiresome chasing ,only the queens would.They walked  off slowly sniffing the direction of the flavor gradually increasing pace as the odour deepened.The lionesses were determined as they only ate  hares they captured in the evening chase.Locating the steady direction they took off,they ran along way and being built with stamina  tire was not  an option.The smell  got stronger and stronger,confirmation that they were close until they arrived at one vantage point,a rock that had rolled downhill.The rock almost bordered the alee and alas!they had never seen so much feed enclosed in one place.

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