74. Found her

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Thanks for all the support. 

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Love you guys xxx


Spencer's POV

I'd spent more than forty minutes sitting my car staring at the house that sat on the lake. I'd been wary enough to park a little down the road.

I don't know why it had taken so long to figure it all out. Where else would she go?

She had told me once that this was where she had felt safest in all her existence. It was the only place not tainted with unhappy memories. Yet somehow it has slipped my mind.

Suck it up Spencer.

I climbed out the car and dragged my feet through the gravel that began at the top of the driveway.

I'd never actually been here. We had never got around to it. But Y/n always talked about it so fondly. For her and her family, it was their safe place when they felt everything else was crumbling around them. Y/n's father had bought this land as a gift for her mother. Y/n would always laugh remembering her mom's reaction. "What am I supposed to be looking at?" Y/n told me how her mother's face contorted in confusion, looking at the overgrown field. "Use your imagination, Love. This is where we make happiness." They went on to build the lake house with their own hands, as a family. Y/N had a plethora of photographs of her with her toy tools as her parent's would use real tools and Miles would mess up what they had just built. I think she said that they came up every weekend for two years to finish it off.

It was a beautiful house. You could feel how homely and cosy it was just from the outside, despite that fact that resale price on the house now would be in the millions.

I stepped up on the porch, a windchime jingled as I did.

I straightened my jacket and firmly knocked the door.

Inside the house was noisy. Noisy enough for me to pick you from outside. It must have been loud enough for them not to hear the knock.

I tapped again.

A minute later and much huffing later, the door opened. Miles was looking behind him, trying to make sure that the kids didn't run after him. He looked like he was having a terrible time. Let's just say that it was going to get much worse when he saw me. "Daddy's coming just one second." Miles kicked away a toy car that was rolling around the front door. "Sorry man. Kids you know." Miles looked up and his face fell, realising that it was me. "You shouldn't be here." He stepped out and closed the door behind him.

"Why?" I tried to peer into the house to see if Y/n was with them.

He held my shoulder and pulled me away from the house. "Just because I didn't say anything when I last saw you doesn't mean that I don't want to punch you."

"She disappeared." I held Miles' gaze until he felt uncomfortable

"How did you expect her to stick around?"

"I just want to talk to her Miles."

"Do you really think that is wise? Look just because I'm being civil because you risked your life for my sister doesn't mean..."

The door creaked. "Let him speak to her." Naomi latched onto her husband's arm.

Miles stared at his wife, puzzled.

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