Last day

267 16 3

The muffled bar talk and mediocre singing of a bard surround Angle's Share. All but one soul shares the harmonious clutter of sounds and feelings.

A bard, decked out in a sea foam green outfit. Cecilia flowers wilted slightly on his hat. Their white faded into a pale yellow, complementing his off white trims.

His blue hair, used to sticking out wherever he went, dimmed like his mood and emotions. Nobody saw the fake smiles and laughs out of him.

"Venti common one more round. It's on me."

"Not a chance Kaeya."

"Let him Diluc."

"See Rosaria's right let him, who am I to turn down free drinks, but I'll pass for tonight."

"You sure?"

"I need to visit a friend.."

He got up, walking past the other bard. The music stopped him. A simple tune for the normal human, to Venti? It was a painful sound. Every note was coated in mold and molasses. It turned twisted and taunting, his mind spiralled showing the flashes of his old friends.

He out lived them, cursed with their memories and hopes. He couldn't see them out. They died just like they did. He hid, the turtle bard hiding from his memories.

"Venti you shouldn't go."

"I have to I'll be late."

He walked out, shutting the door so quietly that you wouldn't even know he'd left. His trip didn't last long. He walked the same path thousands even millions of times. The small cave indenting the cliff side. Over-seeing Mondstat, the bard sat next to the hand made grave.

A blurred name rested on the rock, the only clear words were 'a lovely bard....friend..'. A pained wording, never sharing the truth about the nameless bard.

A spare stone lays next to it, blank and barren. Venti reaches for it, cringing and stares at its blank surface. His arrow scratches 'Venti, the Anemo Archon, a bard who told stories that never end..', his vision blurred, tracing over each letter.

Gently he put the stone next to the old and forgotten one. Resting next to each other, his breath hitched. The floor became damp, shaking hands grabbed at the same arrow, just nearly braking it in half.

"May the wind guide friend I'll see you soon.."

His hands held the tip of the arrow to his heart. The pounding and beating became louder and louder. His ears rang as he felt the tip push past the soft cotton shirt, his skin hotter then he thought it was before. His breathing went faster yet so, so calm that it was unnatural.

The burning sensation of skin getting cut open, it leaking onto the white shirt staining it a crimson shade of red. A smile landed on Venti's face. He knew he would die, pushing it in further, pushing past the regretting deathly pain. His whole body burned in pain yet he thrived for it.

He felt the world around him fade. The air became too thick to breath. The ground became clouds, then, nothing at all. The arrow and pain faded into a blissful nothingness.



"Venti fits you, my wind spirt. You lived so much longer then I thought you would."

"I know...I'm sorry I kept you waiting."

"I'm glad to see you, would you like an apple?"

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