Chapter 4 Sadest day of my life

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It's been 3 weeks since we found out my mom had cancer and she is not doing well at all. we took her to the doctor yesterday and we found out the cancer has spread tremendously and it is breast cancer. The doctor told her he gives her about 1 more week to live just imagining my mom not being here is unbearable. She is the only person I can trust I can tell her anything that I couldn't tell any other person on Earth even chase and we have gotten really close lately.
It was about 12:00 and my mother had to be rushed to the hospital. About a hour later we went to the hospital I went to the desk to see what room she was in."
Excuse me can u tell me what room Romana Bentley is in". I said almost crying
"Room 207 go down the hall and to the right" she said kind of hateful like I was crazy probably be cause I was crying.
"Uh ok thanks" I said walking to the room
I got into her room just seeing her lay there like that killed me inside
"Hi mom how are ya now"
"Not..........good..........." She said gasping for air each word she said
I didn't say anything much because I didn't want to her suffer like that
"I ......don't....... think ..........I am ......going .....make ....much ......longer"she said and those words made me start bawling this is the hardest I have ever cried in my life.
"Mom please try to hang on as long as possible" I said barley able to talk
"I...... Can't"
"Always .. Remember ...I .. Love" she said able to smile at me
"I love u to mom" trying to smile
"I.. Am.. Going..... To ...... Go ... Now"
"Ok i know you will be happier" I said bawling even harder at this point
"I love you to mom bye forever"
She gave me one last smile and waved
She layer her head back on the bed she slowly closed her eyes.
My mom was dead now.
Watching my mother was the hardest thing I have ever watched in my life. The doctor came in and covered the body up. Attending the funeral was going to be rougher than anything that has ever happend to me before.
But when I thought everything bad was over things got worse again.

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