-(••÷[ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ɴɪɴᴇ: ᴛʜᴇ ᴇɴᴅ]÷••)-

980 31 74

He knew that this would ruin everything. 

Everything that he had tried too hard to keep a secret would no longer be a secret. 

The scars were visible.

Both mental and physical. 

Hate and sarcasm had been a shield for him, blinding him from the reality of the world. 

It was harsh and cruel. 

Only if you let it be, though. Only if you let the shield become your life, become your identity. 

And Edgar was done hiding. 

He wanted to be loved, he wanted love. 

He was no longer emotionless. 

He was the emotion.

The swirling storm of feelings.

He was finally in control. 

And hopefully, that's what Colette saw when she opened the door. 

Hopefully, she saw Edgar as who he really was, not who he pretended to be. 

"Edgar?" He heard her voice. Crisp, cool, and raspy. It was comforting to him. Made him feel safe. 

And so he got up. Looked at her, really studied her. 

He saw her swirling blue eyes filled with a million questions that may or may not have answers. 

He saw her white hair that once was crazy but now tamed.

She was someone. Someone fierce. 

And so Edgar did the most un-Edgar thing ever and ran into her arms. 

He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in tighter. 

He never wanted to let go. 

Shockingly, she squeezed him back. 

He closed his eyes and breathed in her scent.

They held each other for a bit longer before Edgar broke away. 

"Colette... I..."

The tears were still streaming down his face. 

Shockingly, he noticed she was crying too.

"Colette... I... I... I am so... so sorry I just-"

"Shh, Edgar. It's alright. I know." 

That made him cry harder.

"Why did I... why did I want to hurt you so badly? I only wanted your love..." He admitted.

"Edgar. Look at me."

He did.

"You didn't want to hurt me. You just wanted me to know. Wanted me to know how you feel. You wanted me to feel the pain that you had gone through. You thought it would make me understand you better."

"But... Colette... I know that it doesn't work like that."

"Now. Now you do."

"It's taken me time to let go of the past. But now I'm ready. I'm ready to love again." He said.

"Oh, Edgar." She laughed a bit.

"Yes?" He asked.

"You... you stupid emo. You blind, stupid emo. You have been ready to love again, you just didn't know it." 

"But I... I have to fix this. I was the one that created this. I was the one that caused the problem. I know that it was never about you. Dear God, it really wasn't. You were never the reason I bought the potion. No, Colette. I bought it because I'm the flawed one. I'm the one that's hurting. I'm the one that couldn't admit that to you. You are the victim. Not me. I'm the problem, but I'm also the cure." 

A tear fell down her cheek before she collapsed to the ground. 


But he couldn't do anything. He could only watch.

And so he did.

He watched her, her body lifting towards the sky. Her head was thrown back, and her hair came undone. She was changing. But it wasn't complete. Midway through, Edgar heard a shout.

"EDGAR!" He ran to the stairs and saw Trixie climbing them. 

To his horror, she was fading away. 

"TRIXIE! NO, I CAN'T LOSE YOU!" He yelled.

"Oh Edgar, don't you see? I'm not real. I'm her. And you."

Edgar stared at the young girl.

"But you... you are..."

"No. I'm the feelings. I'm what you took away from her. And what you took away from yourself. You grieved. She lost. You never were the same after the potion. And that's why I'm not leaving. I'm just going back."

"So... you never existed?" He asked.

"Only in both of your hearts."

"But then how the hell could people on the bus see you?"

"Edgar, they saw you. It was all you. Always was, always has been." 

"But I don't-"

"Shh. I'm sorry, but I have to go."

And so she faded. Back to Colette. 

But also back to Edgar.

And once she was gone, Edgar felt different. He was himself, but with a bit of Colette. 

He looked at Colette then, lying on the ground.

He tapped her cheek lightly.

"Colette..." He whispered.

She stirred, and awoke. 


And before he knew it, she leaped into his lap and was planting her lips onto his.

They were kissing.

They were kissing!


And after a minute, they broke apart, the crazy girl still in his arms. 



She planted a kiss on his forehead. 

"Yes, I do. But Colette... do you?"


Oh yeah... they were working on some gift shop thing when she had pinned him down to the ground and almost kissed him.

He had panicked and brushed it off.

At the time, he thought it was just a mistake. 

Now, he knew. She really loved him. 

It wasn't a mistake, and nor was he. 

He had been in the wrong. 

However, he had learned from his mistakes. And he had fixed them.

Or at least had tried.

"Ha, yeah. Colette... I'm sorry." He said.

"Why, you little moody muffin. I'm not mad. BUT I THINK IT'S ADORABLE THAT YOU CARE!" She pinched his cheek.

He blushed.

"Why yes, I do."

He kissed her again, and she fell into his embrace. 

Most of the time, people don't get happy endings.

This is one of those rare times where it does happen, though. 

And in times like these, don't question it. 

Just let it happen. 

Because sometimes, we are more deserving than we think of love. 

-(••÷[ᴛʜᴇ ᴇɴᴅ]÷••)-

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