Chapter 2

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What does he mean by I am Classic, man this was confusing
"Look I don't know what you are talking bout" I said wondering what type of school is this

"Anyway we will just call you classic Instead how about you sit beside Red/Fell, raise your hand Red/Fell"

A boy with " candy cane" hair raised his hand I walked over to my seat and introduced myself to him " Hi my name is Sans but I guess I go by classic now" I said trying to start a conversation. The boy looked at my and I looked into his bright red eyes " My name Fell orRed" he answered looking down on the table. " Well nice to meet you" I said

/ When class was over /

"Hey Fell" I said waving

" Uh hey" he said looking at me weird.

" Do you wanna maybe hang out later " I said with a little hint of blush

" Uh, sorry maybe next time " he said

"Uh sure" I said

"Yeah, see you later"

" Wait, can you show me class 3B"

" Sure I guess"

/ when they reach the class/

"Uh thank you " I said

" Yeah,yeah "

''See ya" I said with a smile

/ In the class /

"H-hello, again Sans" Alphys said

" Hi Alphys, I didn't know you were a teacher" I said shocked but not really

" Y-Yeah, I get that alot"

" * clear throat*, Ms. Alphys " said a boy with purple hair and red streaks

"Ah sorry, class t-this is Sans"

" More specific" said a different boy with black hair and blue streaks

"Uh, I-I don't know actually Sans can you tell p-please tell us"

" Sure, my giving name is Classic I guess " I said calmly

The noisy class went silent

"Hah, very funny " said the boy with purple hair and red streaks

"He's not lying " said a boy with bleach brown

" Did I ask" said the boy with black hair and a blue streak

" E-error,Ink and Dust , stop"

" Sorry Ms. Alphys" said Ink

"Anyways please treat Sans with care"

/ after class/

"Classic wait up" said a voice

Three boys came, one was Ink, Dream, and Blue

" Hello Classic " said Blue with his energetic voice

"Uh hi Blue, whad'ya need" I asked

" We are just here to give you a tour" Blue said " That's if you never got one"

"I didn't please show me around" I smiled

"Alright, Let's go " Ink said

" Yes" said Dream

/ after the tour /

"Thank you again you guys" I said

"No prob" all 3 of them said

"Wait Classic, did you get your dorm keys?" Dream asked

" Yeah actually, my room number is 232 the second building"

"Your room is with Fell" Dream said

" That is nice " I said

" Not really, but if he bullies you just call us" Dream said giving me there contact information

"Thanks, see ya " I said

" See ya"

/ in the dorm/

When I walked inside the dorm I saw a boy with candy cane hair in nothing but but ripped jeans and no shirt. I blushed but I think I blushed to hard.

" Huh, Classic" Fell said looking at me

"H-hello there Red" I said still blushing

" What are you doing here" Fell said walking up to me

"Er umm, this is my dorm room" I said blushing even more

Fell was already in my face staring at me

" Fine I believe you " He said

"Uh, thank you "

That is all for part 2 bye♡

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2021 ⏰

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