Young Love

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*Kaitlyn's POV*

Chapter 1

He wrote me a note saying "Alexa,can I tell you something?" I responded"sure." And then he goes" I like you a lot and your an awesome person, your smart funny caring an you smell good!"

At first I was shocked because he was my best guy friend and I didn't want to ruin our friendship. I decided to reply" Vincent, this is a bit shocking but I like you too and by the way Daisy told me that you liked me yesterday".

I gave him the note. We were in language arts. One of the two classes we had. I look back at him and see him and his best friend Calvin reading the note. I see Calvin laughing. Man, did I want to kick him in the shins!

The truth was that I actually liked him. I just didn't want to ruin our friendship. I mean, I cannot imagine life without Vincent. People always commented on how we should go out but we just gave them dirty looks and told them to shut-up.

*Alexa's POV*

Chapter 2

* 2 months later.....

Sadly Vincemt wasn't at morning band today. I expressed my thoughts and feelings to Kaitlyn.

"Kaitlyn, I really wish he was here" I sigh.

"Seriously Alexa! You are like this almost every single second you are away from him" Kaitlyn said.

" I'm sorry it's just that I can't get enough of him"! "Ugh this Vincent crapp is really getting annoying Alexa. I know he is like your best friend and now boyfriend but can you talk about something besides why he isn't here, what he is wearing, what he is thinking about at that very second...."

" Whatever, I will go find someone who WANTS to listen to me".

"Good luck with that Alexa, let me know how what goes for ya".

* Alexa's POV *

Chapter 3

* 3 weeks later

"Hey kaitlyn, how was your new art class"? "Fine" she replied. She looked completely off today so I knew something was up. She looked so, what's the right word? I guess I could say she looked "glum"

"Ok I have known u long enough to know something isn't right".

"Alright, the teacher is weird! We were talking about urinals!" "That's uhh lovely" I replied.

*Alexa'a POV*

Chapter 4

* 2 weeks later....

When Kaitlyn walked on the bus today, I knew something wasn't right. She looked completly, well, like she got punched in the stomach.

"Hey Kaitlyn what's up"? "Well, Henry broke up with me" she confessed (after much pleading).

"WHAT?! How could he do that? You guys were only going out for a little over a month" I exclaimed. Then Kaitlyn looked like she was about to cry.

"Hey think of it this way... he will never get another girlfriend so you were his only one. His loss not yours" I said.The thought of that made her laugh a little bit. "But remember what you said the other day? About that if you broke up with Vincent you were afraid your friendship would be ruined"?

"Well,yeah but I'm pretty sure you won't let that happen with Henry".

"I'm pretty sure it already has" she exclaimed.

*Kaitlyn's POV*

Chapter 5

3 weeks later

"Hey Alexa, guess what Henry did to me today".

"What did he do to you Kaitlyn" Alexa asked. Well, in band class, we were packing up and he said to me" Kaitlyn, I don't think we should go out anymore. I mean it isn't going anywhere" I told her, my eyes stinging from the tears I wouldn't let fall.

I began crying from the hurt I was feeling. Alexa tried to cheer me up by telling me that he was to good for me, but I was beyond cheering up. All I wanted was to just be alone. After we had gotten off the bus I ran inside and cried my eyes out.

Later that night I called my sister Marie for some adult/big sister advice. Those kind of things make me feel better, you know? Anyways, back to business.

My sister Marie said " Kaitlyn, just like your friend Alexa told you. Your WAY to good for him. I know your friendship with him meant a lot to you but if he is being a jerk like this, it isn't worth it" she said to me.

After 3 long, and I mean LONG hours of talking about Henry. Don't tell anyone this, but I actually began crying.... again. Even after I told myself that I wouldn't.

Chapter 6

*Henry's POV*

So yesterday I broke up with Kaitlyn. It was a hard thing to do. I mean, you know when you really and I mean really like someone. Have you ever thought you were in love?

Well, that's how I felt about her. When I asked her out during Christmas break I told her "Look, I really like you. I have liked you since the end of 6th grade. Kaitlyn, will you do me the honor of being your boyfriend"?

I know right. It was really mushy feeling and that stuff. I had gotten advice from Kaitlyn's friend Alexa. She told me that Kaitlyn liked me and I knew I liked her too (although I

wouldn't openly admit it).

Ok so back to the present time. Lately I just haven't been feeling the same "passion",I guess is the appropriate word for it, that I was feeling when we were first going out.

I know she has noticed that I was acing different but I didn't know what to do! Oh well. we will see what comes out of all this drama.

*Vincent's POV*

Chapter 7

Ok so I'm guessing you know how Kaitlyn has been depressed lately right? Well, I think she likes me because she called me a "hot nerd". I am at school right now in a morning band class with all of them so "shhh" or othe..... Oh no! Here comes Kaitlyn! Act natural ok?!

"Vincent, are you talking about me" she asked while giving me the death stare.

I knew I couldn't stare her down so I replied "No Kaitlyn, I wasn't talking about you". I could tell that she didn't believe me because she was slowly walking towards me and still looking like she was going to kill me.

I got scared. Very scared. Terrified even. I began shaking. I thought to myself " seriously Vincent, your scared of a girl that is a head shorter than me"?!

The next thing I new was that she was inches away from me with her fists clenched. Would she? Could she? There were plenty of witnesses if she decided to get all evil on me. Then again, one of the witnesses is my girlfriend who, is also one if Kaitlyn's friends. Would she defend me and come to my rescue if it meant also possible hitting/slapping Kaitlyn?

The next thing I knew her hand was apart and rapidly rising to my face..... please Kaityn, don't do this to me. I closed my eyes and got ready to feel white hot heat (also known as severe pain if adrenaline isn't pumping) ......

*Alexa's POV*

Chapter 8

I was in morning band practicing the song "When the Sun goes Down" by The Wanted on my flute when I turn my head to see Kaitlyn about to slap Vincent!

I rushed over there completly confused. Why would she slap him? Then my mind drifted to what did he do or say that made her almost do this. Either way, I was on the verge on having a spaz attack. I am pretty sure that once I had reached them, my face was as red as a freaking tomato!

When I reached them I saw that Kaitlyn was giving him a death stare.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2013 ⏰

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