Love, such an intriguing facet for any generation. for children's love towards their parents, for teenagers and adults love towards an opposite gender or maybe to the same gender and for the old agers love towards God and spirituality. This word lever really leaves us till we mix into the ashes, such a fascinating aspect and really prevalent too throughout the centuries, but being so prevalent and so popular it never really gets dull, such a power of love. Have you ever thought, it is so powerful and we haven't understood it totally? how fascinating it is, isn't it? Let me give it a try, I think I can explain something of it through my understanding, so Love for me a combination of many things' need, trust, want, loyalty, passion, pain, shy of relief, bewilderment, and many more things Love remains love till the time you unified with the other person totally. Love remains love till the time you have questions in your mind regarding the person you love, love remains love till you make efforts for the same, but when you get who or what you want, the love within you started to getting dissolve such an essence of love, human being has this tendency for not thinking or caring too much about those things which they have already got, or discovered as a matter of fact. So, if we really know the true meaning of Love so why we still searching for the same or hearing diverse set of statements from many intellectuals. The truth is that you cannot put it into words it's a combination of feelings that I have stated earlier. we have been trying to find What is love? And how it feels like to be in love? Have we ever realised how much impact can movies or stories make in understanding of something? Our understanding of love is heavily depended on these movies or folklores. but what if I say you can never get that essence of love the way we see it, for me love is a whole experience of sharing or feeling extreme emotions with someone throughout a given period of time. Those strong emotions and feelings that you have shared with someone make them special for you and that is why you badly want them in your life. let me explain with some examples starting with the childhood stage, in the childhood our brain develops gradually our understanding develops gradually but we can see the presence of love within us towards our mother and father. when someone tries to take us away from them, we get distressed, we want to be with them so badly. On that particular time when we feel we are going to lose our closed ones hits us so hard that very time we get the 1st taste of love. When as teenagers or adult our understanding grows to a certain level and we know yes family is there they are not going anywhere and our hormones play some chaotic games in your body or in mind you want someone special to share those strong emotions so we make efforts to get that special person in your life you make efforts because you badly want them and as I said our human tendency is that we make hell lot of efforts when we really want someone but let me tell you one thing this particular phase (adult/teenager life) is so very beautiful you have lots of things to do, you experience so many things, you interact with many people you are passionate about something all in all you are filled with lots of energy, adventures and dreams and yes not just all these things you experienced, you also experienced insecurity, fear, peer pressure, people will judge you, these things somehow made us abstain away from the activities we could have or should have indulged in and we miss those learnings but why you want stability, why you want to be perfect when this very age there is lots of chaos goes withing your mind or body okay but try not to get addicted with anything. so moving on when we get old we probably experienced whole lot of things and if not then maybe we don't have that energy or enthusiasm for adventures so we reach out to mental peace and you know you don't need so much energy and efforts in prayers god related stuffs like sitting and chanting some mantra also having been experienced of lot of things that are happening in our society really bore us and we look out to something more which is extra-terrestrial and we finally deep dive into the love of god for the remaining period we go through this beautiful experience of searching the divinity of god and yes before saying Bubye I must say you live for the experience and not for getting something or someone. Through this whole journey we experience joy, agony, excitement, sorrow and hell lot of things and maybe this very package should be called as love of life.
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Love Lets Crack it
RandomLove, a complex topic explained by many but cracked by none, so an attempt to crack it.